Another SC Home Defense Shooting

I hunt with two LEO's, have and continue to have numerous LEO friends, and I agree if you have an incident with officer go over his head if necessary, better training in dealing with public fully understanding that every day they are dealing with the worst of the worst. What I did not mention in the short reply, but in a previous post, the next morning my neighbors trucks had all been broken into and while investigating his and other neighbors complaints, sargent walled across street and we talked apparently I had run the BG off. Issue solved.
Michigan Castle Doctorine

In Michigan you cannot just shoot someone for stealing. The only time you can use deadly force is when your life is threatened with great bodily harm. The person would have a weapon to use on you. I know the laws very from state to state but you could not just shoot someone here in michigan for looking through your vehicle.
hey rlkraatz: I tend to agree with you. "Stuff" is not worth someone's life in my way of thinking, and if he is better at this than I am, it certainly is not worth my life. Having said that, I like the SC way of thinking--if you are a perp, you had better move to michigan.
Home invations

I am in my first year of concealed carry. I do not leave home without my .40 cal. At home it sits on my lamp table next to where I sit. I really do not own anything thats worth taking someones life for. Having said that however, If a BG comes threw my door or window, house or vehicle, I have to think that he is after my, or my wifes, life. I have nothing of value to steal. If that happens there will be only one story to be heard. MINE! The number of home invations here seems to go up dailey. In N.H. there is no requirement for you to come to someone elses aid. The threat has to be directed at you in order for you to respond and you can not cause the threat to be turned on you in order to use deadly force in responce. The force of Your responce can not exceed the force to the threat. My concern is that I will be mistaken for a BG while interveining on someone elses behalf.
Comments welcome. espiceally if from N.H.