Another reason to carry.


Jesus - Our Greatest HOPE
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I get so disgusted at the on lookers like its a freaking TV show!

I used to , well still do when unarmed not make eye contact with anyone.

Now when armed I am always looking at faces & the eyes the eyes are the windows to the soul & will always tell me if someone is up to no good.

The onlookers who, who did nothing ought to be arrested for not being good samaritans just like Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine in the last Seinfeld episode. What the heck is wrong with people? At least one person was willing to extend a helping hand to his fellow man in distress.
has society been made into a bunch of wimps? are people now afraid to help another? I'm not saying go be a rambo, but come on...
Everyone is too scared of lawsuits... and rightfully so. We live in a time when you can sue a company for the product you consumed making you fat, or spilling the hot coffee, in your car, burned you.

But that's no excuse for human decency. This man should be taken off the streets and put in a jacket with really long sleeves.
The onlookers who, who did nothing ought to be arrested for not being good samaritans just like Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine in the last Seinfeld episode.QUOTE]

LOL, Sorry not laughing at the story, just your reference to the Seinfeld show. I just saw that one the other day.

Problem today, To many chicken chit, " I don't want to get involved" types walkin around out there. As long as it's not them being attacked, no harm no foul. Just some commotion on the street today in their minds. Gun or not, If I'd heard what the father was sayin and asking for help. I'm takin that guy down, no two ways about it.
Even if he's wasn't armed, no problem. Nothing a bonk or two on the head wont take care of.

It's just a shame. JMO, There's mostly three types out there today. Cattle, Monkeys and Sheepdogs.

Thank god for the sheepdogs!:secret:

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