Another negative shooting event

that is really sad....

Thing that gets me - is that guy was saying "I don't think it was intentional" Come on - he grabed a shotgun, loaded it, and pulled the trigger. that is intentional if I've ever seen it...

I noticed that the reporter said that the kid had not been taking his medication for hyper activity - I wonder if it was Ridlin - I have noticed / read about ridlin being a cause for kids to be suicidal / violent...

that is really sad....

Thing that gets me - is that guy was saying "I don't think it was intentional" Come on - he grabed a shotgun, loaded it, and pulled the trigger. that is intentional if I've ever seen it...

I noticed that the reporter said that the kid had not been taking his medication for hyper activity - I wonder if it was Ridlin - I have noticed / read about ridlin being a cause for kids to be suicidal / violent...

You know when I was a kid growing up, back in the 50's and 60's there was not a great problem with so called hyper activity. Back then kids did not have to be druged. I wounder if it was because we got out side and played, got plenty of exercise in stead of setting in front of a T.V or video games all day and ate a little better also.
Not sure what to say about that one. Unfortunately, hyperactivity whether medicated or not is no justification for shooting someone, even "accidentally" (after going to get the gun, loading it, and aiming). We have an ADHD child and have tried a few meds with him, but none of them were worth the side effects, so now we just work with his abilities and work harder on the things that are difficult for him. The "hyperactive" kids tend to need more diligent training/rules/reinforcement on the part of the parent than the average complacent child (I have one of those also). Every kid is different and responds differently to the medications, and yes, more than Ritalin can cause suicidal/violent tendencies. But like I said, whether medicated or not it is no justification for shooting someone.
You know when I was a kid growing up, back in the 50's and 60's there was not a great problem with so called hyper activity. Back then kids did not have to be druged. I wounder if it was because we got out side and played, got plenty of exercise in stead of setting in front of a T.V or video games all day and ate a little better also.

Very true. Enviroment makes a big difference. As in my previous post, I have one small experience with this "hyperactivity". I don't claim to know what works best for each individual, but I know in our family TV/computer are very limited (actually have been documented by me to make things worse in our home) and we don't own a video game system. Can't say I get it right every time, but it's amazing the things I have learned about how to handle my "hyperactive" child just by watching him, wanting to help him become a productive member of society, and trying to think outside the box a little bit. It's real easy to put your kid on meds and put them in front of the tv/video games and go about your business instead of really getting to know how they think and enjoy their strengths and be willing to work harder as a parent.

Just my thoughts.
This makes me sick to my stomach. Even if my child had no sense at all (he does), he doesn't have access to any fire arms or ammo because I KEEP THEM IN THE SAFE.

I'm sure they'll want to ban the 410 now. Plus, Mom and Dad not only have to suffer the medical expense, trauma and legal recourse for themselves (hopefully) but, that poor little girl will suffer the scars forever. Keep in mind folks they said the kid pulled the gun before too!

And I love how they immediatly blame the medication. Hell, I was on chemo and took a different drug to sleep, wake up, pee and be happy plus one to remember to take all the others. Funny thing is I never shot anyone while I was on those drugs.
sorry to say but I think the parents are to blame for this one. I mean they even knew that the gun was pulled and pointed before. yet they still had it accessable to a 10 year old kid..

ecocks I just noticed you are from Ukraine. I've been to russia 9 times and speak fluent russian. planned on going to the black sea in Ukraine but haven't made it yet. anyway just thought it was cool to see someone from out that way.
Yeah living in Ukraine

and yes, my wife can field-strip an AK-74, clean, reassemble and test-fire it. The Soviet education system wasn't ALL bad.

I am planning on getting her complete exploded diagrams for all my guns when we return to the US someday. Ah, a day at the range then a cup of coffee and a napolean while she cleans and secures the dream has come several ways. ;)
and yes, my wife can field-strip an AK-74, clean, reassemble and test-fire it. The Soviet education system wasn't ALL bad.

I am planning on getting her complete exploded diagrams for all my guns when we return to the US someday. Ah, a day at the range then a cup of coffee and a napolean while she cleans and secures the dream has come several ways. ;)

I am in germany now with my wife and her family. first time I took her shooting. well it was in teh winter of michigan so she froze, but she loved it. and the mor eshe sees me me researching the next guns I want to buy the more often she says that she wants her own gun. so I guess I know what to do when I fly back home next month.

My wife can't strip and clean my guns.She don't even like to shoot very much.BUT she doesn't care that I do.So,I got it pretty good.
all of my guns are locked up in my safe except my carry gun and it's always on me under my control. i too blame the parents for lack of being a parent.

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