another mass shooting

Do you see a trend here.....

Wisconsin.... Non citizen with gun, Oriental, NY non citizen with gun Oriental, College non citizen with gun Oriental....
What kind of idiot are you?

Wisconsin.... Non citizen with gun, Oriental, NY non citizen with gun Oriental, College non citizen with gun Oriental....

What trend are you talking about. How can a guy with the last name of Poplawski be oriental. Shows what type of knucklehead you are.....
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What trend are you talking about. How can a guy with the last name of Poplawski be oriental. Shows what type of knucklehead you are.....

the shooter of the NY civic center was Vietnamese, i believe what he was referring to was Mr. Cho the Va Tech shooter are both Asian. they both also biocked off doors before committing their shooting rampage. my memory does'nt serve me on a shooting in Wisconsin right now.
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the shooter of the NY civic center was Vietnamese, i believe what he was referring to was Mr. Cho the Va Tech shooter are both Asian. they both also biocked off doors before committing their shooting rampage. my memory does'nt serve me on a shooting in Wisconsin right now.

He was the Cambodian deer hunter with the AK, about 2-3 years ago..... So qdn79 how long have you had Alzheimer's?
hmmmm... well you must lift weights with forks and you eat spaghetti with chocolate milk. You probably also have a mullet too.....:biggrin:

Don't I wish.... I am of the follicle's challenged group, :pleasantry: for me a bad hair day would be a truly wonderful thing!:laugh: When I go for a hair cut it is literally a "Hair" cut....:yu:

As to the food part spaghetti..... chocolate.... drool!!! how cruel I am on a 1,200 calorie a day diet! You really know you are on a diet when you dream about food instead of guns n other fun stuff... On the + side I am down over 35 pounds in just a tad over 4 weeks....

So I guess you ate too many paint chips or was it the aluminum foil that was wrapped around your Hershey bar when you were a kid.... You know they make a fix for that... it's called "Chelation Therapy" (pronounced KEY) for the removal of toxic metals from the system...:biggrin:

N before you go into my linage.... one granddad was a Cherokee the other a genuine good olé boy from the hills of Tenn... So I guess that would make me a genuine "Red Neck Indian" even though I was adopted..... Darn I should have used that to get free stuff from the government!!:no:

You know in defense of my first post when I tagged in on the title "Another Mass Shooting" before I read the first post I hit the replay button and just assumed this was yet another NY thread.... Which have any of you noticed the trend....

Orientals are pushed far harder than the rest of us to succeed, and this tends to make their race a very high suicide group... In their home land guns are all but impossible to obtain and store so they tend to use other means to do extreme acts of stupidity.... But there there are at the very least 3 different incidents in the last 5 years....

Me I am against all Non citizens being allowed to purchase guns... now notice I did not use the illegal word because for them it is illegal for them to purchase, possess, or own a gun as well as it is illegal for them to vote, have a drivers license, and just plain be here, stuff they seem to do anyway....
So enough of this off topic nonsnece....

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