Another Guy is Printing BADLY


New member
I just wanted to get some other opinions regarding this situation:

Yesterday, I went to a local Kroger, located in a less-than-stellar part of town. I was depositing my paycheck at the bank branch inside, when I noticed the guy at the window in front of me was carrying a monstrous gun on an OWB holster. He was wearing a tight-fitting shirt, and it was quite obvious what was hidden underneath. I figured that I shouldn't point the faux-pas out to him while standing in line, so I made my transaction and caught up with him in the parking lot. I got his attention and ever so slightly wiggled my right arm against my hip and said, "Hey're showing pretty bad." Once he realized what I was talking about, all he said was "I don't care."

What would you have done in my situation, or if someone pointed out to you that you were printing pretty badly?

My intention in pointing it out to him was twofold....maybe initiate a little carrying chat with a fellow packer, as well as let him know how blatantly he was showing if it was his intent to conceal. But with his demeanor, he struck me as kind of an a-hole, so I just brushed it off and went on my merry way. BTW, how I told him was not the panicked "GUY WITH A GUN" attitude, but one of recognition....
Not much more you could do. As he said he does not care. Just because you carry doesn't make you smart. If it is that obvious that he has a gun sooner or later it will cost him one way or another. Either he will be in trouble with the authorities or he will be the first one shot when some nut goes on a rampage and notices he has a gun.
I agree with HK, just because someone is packing, don't mean there smart.. Some think there hot **** because they carry, and like to show off,......... Or maybe packing a big gun, is his way of compesating. who knows............
I agree with HK, just because someone is packing, don't mean there smart.. Some think there hot **** because they carry, and like to show off,......... Or maybe packing a big gun, is his way of compesating. who knows............

This guy was a big ol' beefy he used to be the one on the bottom of a big cheerleading pyramid.

I also saw a funny bumper sticker the other day...sort of inappropriate, but you'll get a chuckle. It goes like this:


You did the right thing walking away - I had a similar incident, saw a guy, pretty small guy, printing really really bad. I told him "Dude, you're printing pretty heavy." He said thanks, and walked off...

The definition of concealed is:
To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.

But hey, who believes the dictionary anymore... ;)
the guy at the window in front of me was carrying a monstrous gun on an OWB holster. He was wearing a tight-fitting shirt, and it was quite obvious what was hidden underneath.
That's pretty much an obvious sign of an a-hole right there - he was doing everything possible to make it clear to all that he was carrying.

What would you have done in my situation, or if someone pointed out to you that you were printing pretty badly?
If someone told me I was printing, I'd say thanks, correct the mistake, and then slink back to my car in humiliation and go home. I put a lot of careful effort into concealment and a breach of that would be terrible.
folks like this make it harder for the rest of us to defend our 2A rights. can't stand irresponsible firearms owners. have a bigger problem with folks who don't properly carry. for all we know this guy was carrying illegally. too bad he wasn't spotted by a LEO. check the guy's paperwork, check out the firearm, etc. may have gotten one more jacka$$ off the streets.

I just wanted to get some other opinions regarding this situation:

Yesterday, I went to a local Kroger, located in a less-than-stellar part of town. I was depositing my paycheck at the bank branch inside, when I noticed the guy at the window in front of me was carrying a monstrous gun on an OWB holster. He was wearing a tight-fitting shirt, and it was quite obvious what was hidden underneath. I figured that I shouldn't point the faux-pas out to him while standing in line, so I made my transaction and caught up with him in the parking lot. I got his attention and ever so slightly wiggled my right arm against my hip and said, "Hey're showing pretty bad." Once he realized what I was talking about, all he said was "I don't care."

What would you have done in my situation, or if someone pointed out to you that you were printing pretty badly?

My intention in pointing it out to him was twofold....maybe initiate a little carrying chat with a fellow packer, as well as let him know how blatantly he was showing if it was his intent to conceal. But with his demeanor, he struck me as kind of an a-hole, so I just brushed it off and went on my merry way. BTW, how I told him was not the panicked "GUY WITH A GUN" attitude, but one of recognition....

Sounds like you handled the situation with a cool demeanor, and yes sounds like the guy you were trying to talk to had a real attitude problem.
I spotted a guy I know pretty well not long ago with a big revolver hanging out from under his shirt. I started to say something to him, but opted not to. I saw him again a few weeks later and he had the same setup. So obviously, he was not trying to conceal his. (by the way he is a big guy too. Same guy?) I am assuming this was in TN. Just to make the situation a little more clear, TN is an open carry state with a permit. I have no desire to display my firearm, but some do. I think you did a better job at the situation than i did. I think you politely pointed it out to him and he was not concerned. You were trying to help. I did not.
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Well this is a tough one, how I would deal with that individual goes along with the law of that particular state. Some states have a duty to conceal while others are open carry. In a state where you MUST conceal, I would probably do my best to make suggestions and help that individual out. But typically these people tend to be jerks. I had a buddy new to CCW carrying a glock in his new serpa under a jacket. Not only was the bottom of the holster sticking out, but the jacket was tight enough to know the holster was a serpa. He was not so inclined to listen, so it took a bit more further demonstration before he turned. In states where open carry is legal, its a different story. Technically they are not breaking the law, but just have poor taste. I might still mention something, but more to the point of letting them know that they are not concealing it well. If their intention is to let it show, so be it. Sometimes a bit of exposure to the public is good. They just better understand the hassle and problems of "MAN WITH GUN", that they may encounter. I know that as a CCW person I tend to spot guns much easier, many people will not even notice the worst of printing mistakes. I open carry my pistol while hiking and pass by tons of hippie anit gun people. Very rarely do they even notice and its "RIGHT THERE". All we can do is try to educate those who are breaking the laws of CCW. Just remember that in a state thats open carry, they might be printing badly with the intention of easing into open carry. Just by two bits. :)
... just because someone is packing, don't mean there smart..

Hey! I resemble that remark!

On a similar note, before the days of CCW, I was in a grocery store that sold beer and wine. I saw a guy reach for some milk and expose his weapon. At the time, Texas law said, you could not carry in a place that sold alcohol. I didn't point out or yell "GUN! GUN! GUN!" But as I walked out, a LEO friend of mine was walking in. I told him what I saw and pointed the guy out to him. He asked me are you absolutely sure you saw a gun?"
I told him "Oh yeah!"
Narc! Narc! Narc!
A few minutes later this friend of mine was escorting the esteemed gentleman out of the store in a pair of chrome-nickle bracelets.

BTW, I never found out what happened, but this same LEO took second place in some kind of Texas State police shooting championships behind a DPS officer who shot a Sig. This friend of mine did it with a Python. After switching weapons with the DPS officer, and going back through the course, this friend of mine decided to purchase a Sig from of my first sales back when I had my FFL...
He asked me are you absolutely sure you saw a gun?"
I told him "Oh yeah!"
Narc! Narc! Narc!
A few minutes later this friend of mine was escorting the esteemed gentleman out of the store in a pair of chrome-nickle bracelets.

More like "RAT, RAT, RAT!" J/K

As gun owners, it's important that we look out for our own. Though I may have handled things a little differently, it's good that you did the "right" thing. The guy was breaking the law and should face the consequences. If we can demonstrate to the anti 2A folks that we can police ourselves, maybe they'll lay off on all of the excessive bs anti legislation.

Talk about the wrong way to boost your ego. Get a gun, wear it so it's not concealed or even covered properly and then go in public. Cop-wanna-be? or Watching-to-many-western-movies? One to many Dirty Harry, Rambo...movies?

Samuria, you did right. No matte how big you are, If i'm a BG looking for a gun in a big chain store. You go out into the parking lot with all those other people. I could put one in your back and take your gun. I know where it is and being big will not help you. Suprise is our ally.
Talk about the wrong way to boost your ego. Get a gun, wear it so it's not concealed or even covered properly and then go in public. Cop-wanna-be? or Watching-to-many-western-movies? One to many Dirty Harry, Rambo...movies?

Samuria, you did right. No matte how big you are, If i'm a BG looking for a gun in a big chain store. You go out into the parking lot with all those other people. I could put one in your back and take your gun. I know where it is and being big will not help you. Suprise is our ally.

Funny you mentioned that, since I walked up BEHIND the guy. Like I originally posted, the grocery store's not in the best part of town. There were any number of times, between when I first noticed and when I actually told him, where someone could have drilled him. He struck me as the type that's OBVIOUSLY attempting some sort of ego trip.

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