Another gun found at School...


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Props to the school resource officer! I don't even want to think what schools are going to be like if/when I have kids that age.

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Police Catch 16-Year-Old With Loaded Gun At School

LARGO – A 16-year-old who had been suspended from Largo High School was arrested Thursday after police said they caught him bringing a gun to campus.

Nicholas McBride, 16, faces charges of carrying a concealed firearm and trespassing on school property with a firearm.

According to a news release from Largo police, a school resource officer spotted McBride on campus at 7:10 a.m. Knowing McBride had been suspended and reassigned, the officer searched him and found a loaded revolver in his pants pocket.

A second boy was arrested at about 12:30 p.m. on the same campus and charged with trespassing on school property. He attends Clearwater High School. Police did not release his name because he is underage and not charged with a felony.

Both boys were taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center.
My school days were in the 50's and 60's. Things are a lot worse now than then and you can not do any corporal punishment like they did back then. My kids are out of school. We sent one to a private Christian School the other we home schooled. I would hate the thought of having to put a child in public school today.
I as you HK went to school in the 50's, and 60's........... glad my kids out of school now, it sure has changed for the worst now, and I thought it was bad when my kids went............. What happned to the good old fist fight, when after kids were friends again ??
I as you HK went to school in the 50's, and 60's........... glad my kids out of school now, it sure has changed for the worst now, and I thought it was bad when my kids went............. What happned to the good old fist fight, when after kids were friends again ??

I graduated in 99 and even then all the fights I remember were just fist fights with the exception of one (Baseball player was about to get jumped by a couple kids and pulled out his bat.) But lately you hear more and more kids bringing weapons or kids attacking teachers. I feel for the teachers! Seems like they have a much greater chance of being a victim of violence then us none school employees!

And to think we can carry and they can not!
I went to school in the 50 and 60's. With interagration in 63 crime went way up fights turned to gang wars and we had shootings in class rooms. I could not handle it so I joined the Marine corps. 1967.
I graduated in 96. I remember one day they were making kids walk through metal detectors as they came into school... that was the first and only day they did that. but pretty much all the fights I remember were with fists and words. although when I was in 3rd grade there was a little girl who brought a knife to school... she got busted.. then again I went to school in flint which is recognized nationally as either a murder capital or one of the worst places to raise a family... scary times when taking a gun to school is often in the news.
I think there is a combination of contributing factors that add up to a complete change of moral values in this country. When I was a kid you could and would pray and say the pledge of allegiance in school. That has been removed and replaced with New Age teaching and cultural diversity training. The family unit that most of us were raised in 50 years ago has changed. Back then there were more two parent families and a large portion of them the mother was at home. Now it is not unusual for both parents to be gone and the children are what is termed latch key kids because there is no one home when they come home from school. There is little Judaeo-Christian values in the homes and at school the kids are often bombarded with anti Christian teaching and peer pressure from other kids. T.V. has degenerated a long way from the days of Leave It To Beaver to the garbage that is on there now. Kids face all this with no real moral compass in many cases. You have to wonder what the future brings as these children grow up.
HK4U - You are very correct in saying a number of factors. My wife has been an elementary school teacher for 34 years and I have seen the changes you are referring to. My mother was a teacher and my daughter is a teacher. I would like to make some comments. I personally know hundreds of teachers and administrators and most of the the comments about them and their ideas and failures is from those who have no idea of what the average teacher has to put up with.

The zero tolerance is not the idea of the teachers, administrators or school boards but from judges that are trying to protect the constitutional rights of people just like you and me. People are all over these board proclaiming their 2A and 1A rights and that is exactly what the judges have done to force the schools into todays standards. People are ready to sue a teacher at the drop of a hat or piece of chalk and I mean literally. I know one teacher that was sued because she tapped a student on the top of the head to try and wake her up. A 9 year old brought a gun to school last week. The student has all kinds of mental problems and should be in special services but before he can be placed into the special services program my wife had to get three different experts to agree that he needed it along with permission from the partents. When she met with the parent (only one) the parent was accompanied by her lawyer and a victims advocate. They refused to allow this student to be placed into any kind of special program because it might stigmatize him.

As for corporal punishement she had one student earlier this year that she sent a note home with him about his behavior. When the child came to school the next day he could not sit down. My wife took him to the nurse who took one look and immediately called DSS for child abuse. It was that bad.

Rant off.
HK4U - You are very correct in saying a number of factors. My wife has been an elementary school teacher for 34 years and I have seen the changes you are referring to. My mother was a teacher and my daughter is a teacher. I would like to make some comments. I personally know hundreds of teachers and administrators and most of the the comments about them and their ideas and failures is from those who have no idea of what the average teacher has to put up with.

The zero tolerance is not the idea of the teachers, administrators or school boards but from judges that are trying to protect the constitutional rights of people just like you and me. People are all over these board proclaiming their 2A and 1A rights and that is exactly what the judges have done to force the schools into today's standards. People are ready to sue a teacher at the drop of a hat or piece of chalk and I mean literally. I know one teacher that was sued because she tapped a student on the top of the head to try and wake her up. A 9 year old brought a gun to school last week. The student has all kinds of mental problems and should be in special services but before he can be placed into the special services program my wife had to get three different experts to agree that he needed it along with permission from the parents. When she met with the parent (only one) the parent was accompanied by her lawyer and a victims advocate. They refused to allow this student to be placed into any kind of special program because it might stigmatize him.

As for corporal punishment she had one student earlier this year that she sent a note home with him about his behavior. When the child came to school the next day he could not sit down. My wife took him to the nurse who took one look and immediately called DSS for child abuse. It was that bad.

Rant off.

I know what you are saying is true. There are many good teachers out there. If I remember correctly one of our regular posters on this site, DrDavidM's wife is a teacher. The unfortunate thing is the control The NEA has over the teachers. As far as punishment goes I had my back side warmed more than a couple of times in grade school and Jr. High with a paddle it it did not scar me for life. I am sure I need every one and a few that I didn't get. We are living in a time when common sense is out the window and the concept of right and wrong has been blurred until many can not tell the difference. I think the Bible has something to day about these times.
We are living in a time when common sense is out the window and the concept of right and wrong has been blurred until many can not tell the difference. I think the Bible has something to day about these times.

HK4U, this is so true and may I also throw in "political correctness" as the norm for today. Just my 2 cents.
FN and HK you both make very good points I teach at a High School and things change all the time. I work with Adults (Vo Tech school) and if you would see what comes though the doors at the adult level, It is no wonder why the kids are the way they are. The worst thing for the kids in some cases is the parents.
Okay, in case I've never posted my opinion on parenting before, it's not the teacher's job to raise my kids--that's my job. If a parent honestly thinks that a day care, school, etc should be doing the majority of the child rearing, there is something wrong. It goes back to the entitlement thinking again--I want my kids to be honest hard working adults, but I want the schools/etc to teach them right from wrong, respect for others and for property, etc. The home is where children need to be learning responsibility, honesty, compassion, in short how to be an adult. The limits placed on teachers under the guise of political correctness, tolerance, or some other pretense prevent even good teachers from doing their best job teaching our kids anything moral. The way society is now, as HK stated, you cannot let that society raise your child and expect good results. Big efforts need to be made at home to compensate for what your children will learn from society.

I am also willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, even good parents can have kids that make dumb choices. One difference is the good parents will let their kid suffer consequences relating to his behavior and not rescue him from those mean authorities, thereby hopefully teaching the child that choices result in consequences--good choice, good consequence, bad choice, as bad a consequence as can be given. Usually those children that are taught consequences don't end up being law breakers like this kid. Hopefully he does not get spared the consequences for his actions.
I take issue with the day care folks who push their personal beliefs on my son. He's only 4 years old and has to listen to one of the day care center employees who thinks that Obama is the best man for President. This is messed up being that the day care center is on a military installation.

I don't mind if they expose my son to diversity, but to tell him that one candidate is the "best", that's bulls**t!
