Another class at Frontsight


New member
I just got back this afternoon from another defensive handgun class at Frontsight, Nevada. Some random reflections:

1) I transported a couple firearms thru the airlines (Allegiant, if anyone cares) for the first time. Here's how I packed 'em: each handgun was cable locked inside of their respective case. The cases themselves were not locked but were in a hard sided suitcase which was locked. Announced that I was checking firearms, the ticket agents inserted a red tag in the suitcase which I re-locked and that was it. A complete non-issue.

2) Weather was cold and wet and the range was a bit muddy. A couple (just a couple) folks left. Our range master stated that "if it ain't raining, we ain't training". I like that. IMHO, this is exactly when you want to train. Any thing which increases the stress factor is good.

3) Instructors woofing at you, lead and brass flying everywhere, bullhorns, buzzers, and moving targets. Good-natured ribbing and a lot of encouragement from instructors and compatriots. Does it get any better?

4) When you spend extended time with people under these conditions, you make good friends. I always end up exchanging cards, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses with people from all around the country when the course is done.

5) There ain't no liberals! At least, that I've ever detected. You are among folks who are completely in sync with your personal and political beliefs. Obviously, we can't live our everyday lives like this, but I love feeling like I'm among my true brother and sister patriots.

6) It does take a few bucks to do this, but it's worth every penny.

7) I'm exhausted, hands are chapped, cut, and swollen. Back hurts. Got a slight headache. In short, I am rejuvenated.

Sounds like a good time. Just FYI folks front sight certificates can be had at a good rate on EBAY if you want to go but can't afford it...JJ - I still need to get myself out there :)
SOOOOOOOO jealous. Sounds like you had a great time and received some great trainning.

Which class did you take? 2 day or 4 day?
KimberPB;101962Which class did you take? 2 day or 4 day?[/QUOTE said:
It was the 2-day Skills Builder class, the follow-up class to the 4-day defensive class which I took last spring. My initial goal was to get to FS twice a year. Now, I'm shooting (pun intended) for 3 or 4 times per year. Can't speak highly enough about Front Sight.
It was the 2-day Skills Builder class, the follow-up class to the 4-day defensive class which I took last spring. My initial goal was to get to FS twice a year. Now, I'm shooting (pun intended) for 3 or 4 times per year. Can't speak highly enough about Front Sight.

Wow! Now really jealous! I wish I had the funds to make it out there that much. I need to sit down and figure out plane tickets, food, hotel, and ammo prices so I can start saving! This coming year I'm going to make it out there, Thunder Ranch, or Tactical Response.
Wow! Now really jealous! I wish I had the funds to make it out there that much. I need to sit down and figure out plane tickets, food, hotel, and ammo prices so I can start saving! This coming year I'm going to make it out there, Thunder Ranch, or Tactical Response.

Yeah, I'm very lucky in that I have a free place to stay in Vegas (family live there), free transportation. I bit the bullet and purchased a lifetime membership at FS (which I got a deal on), so I just basically need to spend bucks for airline ticket and ammo. A number of people I met flew in as a group so they share motel and transportation expenses. Maybe you can go that route.
I'm sure we could put together a group who's willing to split the costs of rental cars, and lodging...I'm willing to bet if you start a thread in general discussion you'd have a ton of people willing to go in on it.

I'm willing to supply the ammo at dealer cost...
I'm sure we could put together a group who's willing to split the costs of rental cars, and lodging...I'm willing to bet if you start a thread in general discussion you'd have a ton of people willing to go in on it.

I'm willing to supply the ammo at dealer cost...

That's a great idea, CST! THAT would be a lot of fun. And you're a good man for making that offer, too.
lol dude my company costs me more money than I make. I make OK locally but online is so competitive i'd rather give you guys some deep discounts and literally make around $2 to help out some real patriots. I have access to a ton of ammo right now- so I have 3k rounds of 9mm on order for myself + some damn crimson trace 1911 grips :( if any of you guys are hurting for ammo let me know..

I have very limited Winchester white box in 9mm//.40 & .45 are in good stock :-D

JJFlash- let me know if you're in the market for XD45 Crimson Trace laser grips my wholesaler is having an awesome CTC sale: Its a violation for me to post dealer cost so send a PM if interested
I'm sure we could put together a group who's willing to split the costs of rental cars, and lodging...I'm willing to bet if you start a thread in general discussion you'd have a ton of people willing to go in on it.

I'm willing to supply the ammo at dealer cost...

That's a good idea. Maybe if we get enough people we could do a USACARRY only class. That be a blast.
Yeah, I'm very lucky in that I have a free place to stay in Vegas (family live there), free transportation. I bit the bullet and purchased a lifetime membership at FS (which I got a deal on), so I just basically need to spend bucks for airline ticket and ammo. A number of people I met flew in as a group so they share motel and transportation expenses. Maybe you can go that route.

I looked at the life memberships but I wouldn't be able to afford to go out there enough to pay for it.

By the way do they let you use your handloads there? That would save me a TON.....
Kimber, I don't know about hand loads, but I suspect not. Can't say for sure, tho.

CST, if you provide ammo at cost, I'd be willing to donate say $100.00 to help defray the cost for a USACarry brother/sister to attend FS. Maybe a younger member with young kids, where money is tight. I don't know how we'd administer this fund or choose the member, tho. What do you think about this general idea? It'd be cool if we could send someone once per year, or something.
Kimber, I don't know about hand loads, but I suspect not. Can't say for sure, tho.

CST, if you provide ammo at cost, I'd be willing to donate say $100.00 to help defray the cost for a USACarry brother/sister to attend FS. Maybe a younger member with young kids, where money is tight. I don't know how we'd administer this fund or choose the member, tho. What do you think about this general idea? It'd be cool if we could send someone once per year, or something.

I think if we confronted Frontsight and wanted to setup some tiered level attendance we'd be able to have an even split..also its been my experience that if you mention you're with a specific board they might see it as free advertising (ie: all of us raving about it)

Say they're willing to train 5-9 of us for ____ each or 10-14 for ___ each then we can just combine the total cost + ammo and lodging/food, etc then divide it evenly upon all of us. There is discounts in numbers so we could probably get discounts from hotels if we plan on renting 5+ rooms rather than each of us booking separately.

It would be nice to have a big group, again big discounts in #'s
Kimber, I don't know about hand loads, but I suspect not. Can't say for sure, tho.

Ya that's kinda what I figured. Since they have no way of knowing were you bought them from or how much experience you have reloading must school won't allow it.
I think if we confronted Frontsight and wanted to setup some tiered level attendance we'd be able to have an even split..also its been my experience that if you mention you're with a specific board they might see it as free advertising (ie: all of us raving about it)

Say they're willing to train 5-9 of us for ____ each or 10-14 for ___ each then we can just combine the total cost + ammo and lodging/food, etc then divide it evenly upon all of us. There is discounts in numbers so we could probably get discounts from hotels if we plan on renting 5+ rooms rather than each of us booking separately.

It would be nice to have a big group, again big discounts in #'s

This would be a ton of fun! I'll try and find some time to contact FS about this shortly, unless you're raring to go right now.
Frontsight has some good people out there.

Never attended their classes, but have read good reports.

I'm interested more in your training dial up.
Way over a year ago, I was one of the lucky winners of a 4 day FS course certificate back when Luke was doing his monthly drawings. I still haven't used it, but I want to go on record to say that I will never sell it on Ebay.

If something gets organized for a USACarrry event, I would seriously consider using it then.

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