Another choice thread...


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We've read many a thread discussing this caliber or that, the benefits of open versus concealed carry, this round or that and it goes on and on.

There is a question tho that has not been discussed here, not that I've seen anyway, and it is a choice. I know, I know, another "what would you recommend" thread but I hope you might see the significance in this relatively untouched debate...

So which is it, Cocoa Puffs or Cocao Crispies? Why?
Cocao Crispies

Cocao Crispies

Only people that carry plastic guns with a hole smaller than .45 in front would disagree.


Cocao Crispies

Only people that carry plastic guns with a hole smaller than .45 in front would disagree.



I occasionally carry a plastic gun .05 smaller, but I gotta agree. Easier to eat, makes the milk taste better. But the real question is this: more cereal, more milk, or equal shares of both??
Depends on if I plan on drinking the milk afterwards. The Cocoa crisps are much smaller and put a lot more cocoa into the milk. So if I'm drinking, it's cocoa crisps. If I'm not worried about the milk and I'm gonna give it to the cat then it's the Puffs.
I occasionally carry a plastic gun .05 smaller, but I gotta agree. Easier to eat, makes the milk taste better. But the real question is this: more cereal, more milk, or equal shares of both??

As a kidlett and through much experimentation, I came to the ratio of 3.5 parts Crispies to 1 part milk. Plenty to eat and a healthy portion of yummy cocoa milk to wash it down with. Of course the remaining milk volume will depend on if you scoop milk with the Crispies.
I'm gonna vote in favor of Puffs, actually. The Crispies dissolve too fast and leave the milk slimy.

That, and Puffs work better as bait for chipmunks (seriously).
i've switched to granola cereals or oatmeal even ..think it's much better for us than presweetened processed stuff
Definitely Puffs. I prefer the texture. Though a morning of Cocoa Puffs and cartoons can leave your mouth in a terrible state.

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