

New member
Ok so there have been an abundance of break ins in the neighborhood in the last two months so the cops have been thick to say the least, but this is out of line.

a couple of days ago a friends son (16) was walk to his grandma's from work, the cops stopped him and started questioning him even put the hand cuffs on him, called the guy that the kid was working for to make sure the kids story checked out then didn't even ask him if he wanted a ride just told him that they were taking him to his grandma's to make sure again that his story checked out. this is way out of line, I know this kid and he is a good kid the cops in my opinion had no reason to go that far. if i were his mom i would complain, not that would do any good i guess
Inexcusable police behavior. Since Bush took office, the police have become more like storm-troopers than ever. Just watch an episode of COPS sometime.
Inexcusable police behavior. Since Bush took office, the police have become more like storm-troopers than ever. Just watch an episode of COPS sometime.

Here we go again, It's all because of President Bush. Global warming, teen pregnancy, no ozone, MTV and poop particles on the polar cap. I don't think President bush had anything to do with some kid getting rousted. Think about what you are writing before you hit the submit button, you sound like a left wing sheeple.
RDW forgot all about Hurricane Katrina ,,,,,,,That was President Bush' biggest trick! Training the cops ,,lol,,,,badge + gun= instant asshole ( sometimes) ,,,,glad I live in a rural county and know most of the Deputies
RDW forgot all about Hurricane Katrina ,,,,,,,That was President Bush' biggest trick! Training the cops ,,lol,,,,badge + gun= instant asshole ( sometimes) ,,,,glad I live in a rural county and know most of the Deputies

A couple of things..
1) Yes.. Talk to a civil rights attorney... IF you can not afford one, talk to the ACLU.. I hate the ACLU, BUT the type of thing you are describing is exactly what they were created for, and what they should be dealing with on a daily basis (opposed to the crap they get into). If this type of thing was all the ACLU did, they would be a great organization.. It's kinda like saying "except for all of the left wing radicals (yes I am using the word correctly) funding and supporting this group, they are a great group).
IF you have not watched it, there is a segment in this video that deals exactly with this type of Police Stop. It was done by an ex-ACLU person, but it deals completely with standing up for your rights (like we support for the 2nd amendment). The video is long, but I try to watch it about every 6 months as a "tune up". Thanx for reminding me to watch it again...

2) I don't understand the stance people take with the arguments about Bush...
First they blame everything from the pimple on their A55 to the changing of the earths Magnetic field on him, but then they say he is not smart enough to eat his lunch out of a paper bag... WELL, which is it???
The master mind behind all things evil, or total dumbA55 that can't tie his own shoe laces? It can't be both!!! :man_in_love:

There are many things that Bush did (or allowed to be done on his watch) that I disagree with.. But it was better than the left wing alternative.. He may not be the brightest color in the crayon box, but at least he is not Pinko... :sarcastic:
Two things

First a little about me. I am old, grouchy, a vet and an ex-cop. I am one step to the left of anarchy. That is to say that I am way right of both the republicans and democrats.

Second I would like to say that he is PRESIDENT BUSH. Not Mr Bush,not Bush, not Bushy or any of that crap. I did not like President Carter but he is STILL President Carter. I did not like President Clinton, but he is STILL President Clinton. They will hold this title from now on. As much as I hate to say it, or write it we now have President Obama. We respect the office even if we do not respect or agree with the person holding it.
Here we go again, It's all because of President Bush. Global warming, teen pregnancy, no ozone, MTV and poop particles on the polar cap. I don't think President bush had anything to do with some kid getting rousted. Think about what you are writing before you hit the submit button, you sound like a left wing sheeple.

I love getting you Bush-lovers stirred up

Two things

First a little about me. I am old, grouchy, a vet and an ex-cop. I am one step to the left of anarchy. That is to say that I am way right of both the republicans and democrats.

Second I would like to say that he is PRESIDENT BUSH. Not Mr Bush,not Bush, not Bushy or any of that crap. I did not like President Carter but he is STILL President Carter. I did not like President Clinton, but he is STILL President Clinton. They will hold this title from now on. As much as I hate to say it, or write it we now have President Obama. We respect the office even if we do not respect or agree with the person holding it.

I'm not a right-wing or left-wing since you like to throw around your clever labels. I'm just an American with common sense that voted for BUSH twice and was deeply disappointed on how things have turned out n this country. Why is it that the BUSH Administration was 100% correct about everything they did with some sheeple like you? Think you might want to look at the economic destruction he shoved up all our butts.

That being said, the cops have become too empowered in this country since 9/11, and the day you PERSONALLY have your civil liberties violated in the name of National Security, you'll realize that its time to reverse the trend this current OBAMA administration is on. Or will ALL will soon have our government telling us to turn in our guns and ammo so we won't be arrested.

So good luck defending BUSH or OBAMA because in 4 years you maybe defending yourself.

Bye for now.
Exactly. Guess that one can not be blamed on Bush.:no:

Yeah, but who was president just before Clinton.. Huh?? President Bush 41.. The WACO compound was around under his administration, so it was probably HIS fault that fell onto Clinton.. :wacko:

(Just kidding)
Okay so this post got WAY off track I'm so sorry I posted this.

Tinker, some times we go off on a tangent. Don't let it stop you from posting, there are a lot of really good people with a lot of good info on this site. I'm sorry if I derailed your post. No hard feelings? Randy
Okay so this post got WAY off track I'm so sorry I posted this.

Sorry TinkerBang.. Please continue to post..

i bet you would sound different if the kid was one of the burglers and not a friend. don't get me wrong, cops do go outside the line ,sometimes way outside. i wouldn't want to be a cop in todays neighborhoods. i'm just saying, consider the cop's job and the help(or lack of it) they get from the citizenry. there's always two sides before you bring a lawyer into the mix. they don't always make things better.
you're probably right i would sound different if it was a BG but after the cop checked with the guy that the kid worked for he should have left the kid alone instead of insisting he take the kid to grandma's and checking his story with her also that was to much
cops do get a bad rap because of the a@@h@@@ 's that act this one I grew up around cops, most of my dad's friends were cops and really great people
being a good cop is a thankless job and i feel bad for the good ones