An Alarming video every Westerner should see

He puts "White Militia members" in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan, and says they are planning attacks on the government, while implying some sort of connection with them. Either this is just plain ignorance, or propaganda. Kinda goes hand in hand with the media demonizing the militias since the 90's. Now they are calling them "White Al-Queda", and this guy is talking about this nonsense.
Let me just say if they do cross that line and us a WMD on us he really has no idea what world of hurt he is opening up on his people for that matter his whole race. IF that did happen the gloves will come off and can you say ' tactical nuke' on his contry and the sad fact of the matter would be we would have world support. If he really wants to kill 330,000 Obama would have no choice but to respond in this way or by using one of our deadly Chem bombs on them.
I'd beg to differ! 1) Obama has never proven that he is indeed an American citizen, and yet being voted in as our president, our present government has not forced the issue- that in itself worries the crap out of me! 2) Obama himself has publicly said that if America were to fall into peril (and forgive me for not being able to quote verbatim), that he would side with Muslims! (I beleive it is in his Audacity of hope book)
3) He has no, nor ever had, any military experience whatsoever- in fact, he has no experience period. 143 days in Senate does not a leader make. This addage said it best: Would you expect a burger flipper at McDonalds to become CEO after only 143 days on the job? No my brother, I think Obama would fold in a heartbeat! Hell, our own military is questioning whether they should be taking orders from someone that the U.S. isn't even sure if he's constutionally qualified to be our President! Did you see my post from Mr. Keyes on his thoughts of Obama yet? Do you remember during the campaigning, that Biden was saying the world would test Obamas backbone within 6 months of office? I think Obama would fold like single ply toilet paper JMHO
Just another example of what kind of people we are dealing with in this so called "peaceful religion".
true. But then i think we will see what happens in russia all the time. The military will take matters into it's hands and launch the birds them selfs.
I'd beg to differ! 1) Obama has never proven that he is indeed an American citizen, and yet being voted in as our president, our present government has not forced the issue- that in itself worries the crap out of me! 2) Obama himself has publicly said that if America were to fall into peril (and forgive me for not being able to quote verbatim), that he would side with Muslims! (I beleive it is in his Audacity of hope book)
3) He has no, nor ever had, any military experience whatsoever- in fact, he has no experience period. 143 days in Senate does not a leader make. This addage said it best: Would you expect a burger flipper at McDonalds to become CEO after only 143 days on the job? No my brother, I think Obama would fold in a heartbeat! Hell, our own military is questioning whether they should be taking orders from someone that the U.S. isn't even sure if he's constutionally qualified to be our President! Did you see my post from Mr. Keyes on his thoughts of Obama yet? Do you remember during the campaigning, that Biden was saying the world would test Obamas backbone within 6 months of office? I think Obama would fold like single ply toilet paper JMHO

That's what bothered me with this video. Not so much what the man was saying, heck that's said everyday. My concern is what will obama do when something happens? Offering an "open hand" will not suffice.