Am i alone here?


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Here is a Video i found on youtube about a Picnic for open carry. At about 14 sec into the clip it shows a man ( who happens to the be the one who set up the Picnic). He draws his Glock from it's holster and holds it in his hands. Drops the mag out for some unknown reason and then slaps the mag back in and reholsters the gun and pulls on it to show how it locks in. Now that's the part i want to know if I'm alone on. I have a HUGE problem with that. Everything i have been told and shown about guns you never remove it from your holster unless your going to use it, or are cleaning it,or you don't have a permit and have to lock it up for travel. But here is a guy who wants to get the word out about gun rights. Removing his LOADED firearm from it's holster just to show it off to a TV news crew who came to do a story about open carry. Every other open carry Picnic video i have watched they all just turn to the side so the news crew can see the firearm. They never removed the firearm. Now is it just me on this one?

YouTube - Milwaukee's 1st Open Carry Meet-up 2009
This dude looks and acts like a doucebag. It gives us a bad rep.

I am a part of the "always carry, never tell" crowd.

I also agree that if you clear the holster it is business time, not to play show and tell with the news.
Private property equals different rules....

First, let me agree that this guy comes across as a douche. Whether it is his finger slipping into the trigger guard while unholstering and showing his firearm, referring to a magazine as a "clip", or simply failing to carry one in the pipe, it is obvious that his knowledge of firearms is not equal to his passion for firearms.

That said, they were on private property. While the rules state that the firearm may not leave the holster while in public, what this guy does on his own property, or the property of a consenting owner, should not be overly scrutinized in a case like this. If this were taking place in a public park, I would be in total agreement.
whether the guy is a douche or not... could it be that the people doing the news story asked him to demonstrate a bit?? the first shot of him he already has the gun unholstered. they also mentioned that all laws were kept, there was no alcohol and so on. it looked like a favorable story to me.
My biggest question would only be "why the %^#$ would anyone live in Milwaukee?!"... :to_pick_ones_nose:
whether the guy is a douche or not... could it be that the people doing the news story asked him to demonstrate a bit?? the first shot of him he already has the gun unholstered. they also mentioned that all laws were kept, there was no alcohol and so on. it looked like a favorable story to me.

That's what I'm thinking. You never see the whole story and raw footage. Someone edited this footage all together and that's what you saw. They probably asked him to demonstrate. It's more dramatic that way when you get the scary "Loaded Gun" on camera.
But my point is WHY WAS HE SO DUMB AS TO DO IT! Every other opencarry or concealed carry picnic that has been on the news they try and same shit. Buy yet not one of them will remove the firearm from it;s holster. They all just turn and show it so they can see it. If you ask a police officer to demonstrate they do not remove the weapon unless they are at a range or a safe place. Not out in public. This numb nuts hick should get a talking to.

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