almost arrested for "false documents"

Glad you got your weapon back, I know trying to educate a police officer on the side of the road is hard to do, but it might help if you have copy of your state's recognizing permits, with you.
After rereading your post, what the police were saying was that they could not verify your Utah permit. I would contact Utah and see if I could find out why your permit was not on record.
After rereading your post, what the police were saying was that they could not verify your Utah permit. I would contact Utah and see if I could find out why your permit was not on record.

It's entirely possible that the officers never called to verify and just wanted to make the person sweat or confess to what they believed to be "the crime." There are a lot of high pressure tactics that can be used to make someone confess. Sometimes it's enough to make people confess to stuff they didn't do, or make them nervous to the point where they admit to something they didn't think was a crime.

It's also possible they called the wrong department or that the department they called was simply not open at 1:30am.

I wouldn't take the officers' word on it at face value.
The Texas DPS website has a list of states with reciprosity in Texas. Last time I checked Utah is on the list as well as Flordia. Just cause a cop has been doing his job for 10 years does not mean that he knows what all the laws are, as per they change every year. Some cops in Texas still have not "heard" of the Castle Doctrine, yet it went into effect Sep 01, 2007.
I have the same Utah CHL. I also went on both Texas's and Utah's website and printed off both reprocity agreements, and also carry them with me in the car for just this type of problem. I've not been stopped for any reason, but if I am, I'm not going to show them my Utah CHL voluntarily, as I would a Texas CHL if I had one. If they ask if I have a gun or CHL, then I'll volunteer it, and still not be breaking any laws.