Hi all
I've been a member of RMGO for a couple years now. This is a good org that really fight for our RKBA. If you can't join at least sign up for the email alerts.
A personal note from Dudley Brown, Executive Director
I need to ask a personal favor.
I desperately need to contact more people, to expand our army, or I fear our liberties are in grave danger.
By just forwarding this e-mail, with a personal note of encouragement, to every friend and co-worker you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, we can gather new reinforcements for the right to keep and bear arms.
And we're certainly going to need those reinforcements.
The coming 12 months could be the worst ever for Americans who own firearms, or even those who may want to exercise that right in the future.
Why do I say that?
As you watch the unfolding Presidential campaign drama, it is perfectly clear that neither of the major parties is going to nominate a candidate whom even the most starry eyed optimists could term a friend.
Without re-hashing every detail, Sen. John McCain has made a career out thumbing his nose at gun owners across our country while he represents arguably the most pro-gun state in the nation. If he were to represent the entire nation as president, he would undoubtedly cave to the anti-gun cries of California and New York.
And Sen. Barack Obama is dramatically worse. He’s even signed pledges to make all semi-automatic firearms illegal. But this note isn't about the Presidential campaign itself.
Also troublesome is that the checks-and-balances we might expect from Congress, given the current make-up, will instead be a rubber stamp to the gun control schemes of Sarah Brady and her ilk.
In Colorado, things are not much better. Former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter sits in the Governor’s seat, with a State House and State Senate controlled by the far-left side of the Democrat party.
And this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on what could be a landmark case for gun owners -- but it could go in either direction.
Any one of these items is a concern. But taken all together, the coming 12 months -- both on a national level and in Colorado -- should have gun owners biting their nails.
So the real question is: What can we do about it?
I get that question daily: "With all that's happening, what can I do?"
As a 19 year political consultant, I firmly believe our answer is in the mobilization of gun owners -- and those who are willing to fight for the right to keep and bear arms.
You see, holding a position in favor of gun rights is not enough. Actually doing something to advance our gun rights is what is required.
Yes, you can try to convince an anti-gunner (or a neutral person) to change his or her position on the gun issue. That’s called the “Education Theory” of changing public policy.
But changing an individual’s mind on a controversial issue is difficult, at best. Let me illustrate.
You probably know someone in your family who is anti-gun (or at least not pro-gun). Everyone does.
You can spend 4 hours every Thanksgiving and Easter with your anti-gun aunt (who loves you, and whom you love) trying to convince her of the rightness of your arguments about the Second Amendment. And even with that amount of time and good will, it rarely works (though, obviously, honor dictates you make the attempt).
So does it seem logical that a 30 second commercial (costing millions of dollars) from a stranger is going to convince people to change their stance, when countless hours with someone you know didn't? No, I don't think it seems likely to be effective. And other methods of "educating" have the same premise.
This displays what I believe is our problem: so many "gun rights leaders" subscribe to this education theory, and I don't believe it gets us anywhere.
Yes, we’ve all convinced someone to change their position. Most of us have a success story, but most often a change in mind comes from a real-life circumstance, not idle chatter.
So if “education” doesn’t win for the side of freedom, what does?
The mobilization of our side is the key to victory, not education. As the saying goes "Ideas do not have consequences, only actions."
Mobilizing gun owners across Colorado (and across our country) is the vital link to changing public policy.
It doesn’t take 51% of the public.
It takes a determined group of activists who fight smart and hard.
Which is exactly why I am sending you this note today.
I’d like to ask you a personal favor.
Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, especially those who live in Colorado.
Tell that group of people “I trust Dudley Brown at Rocky Mountain Gun Owners to fight hard for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms -- I hope you'll take action, and join with us in this crucial time."
Then ask them to subscribe to our low-volume, no-spam Colorado gun rights alert list by clicking here. (http://www.rmgo.org/subscribe/index.shtml)
In other words, help me mobilize your friends and co-workers.
Of course, we’d love to have them as donors and members of RMGO.
And if that’s something you, or they, would like to do right now, you can donate through our secure online form by clicking here. (https://rmgo.ejoinme.org/MyPages/RMGODonationPage/tabid/16761/Default.aspx)
But more importantly, let’s get them involved -- in even a small way -- in the battle to save our rights.
The next 12 months are demanding our attention.
Without question, we are in a pivotal point for gun rights.
So let’s call in some reinforcements. Let’s build our army for freedom.
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. The next 12 months are pivotal for our gun rights.
And so I’m asking you to do me a personal favor.
Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, especially those who live in Colorado.
Tell that group of people “I trust Dudley Brown at Rocky Mountain Gun Owners to fight hard for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms -- I hope you'll take action, and join with us in this crucial time."
Then ask them to subscribe to our low-volume, no-spam Colorado gun rights alert list by clicking here. (http://www.rmgo.org/subscribe/index.shtml)
I've been a member of RMGO for a couple years now. This is a good org that really fight for our RKBA. If you can't join at least sign up for the email alerts.
A personal note from Dudley Brown, Executive Director
I need to ask a personal favor.
I desperately need to contact more people, to expand our army, or I fear our liberties are in grave danger.
By just forwarding this e-mail, with a personal note of encouragement, to every friend and co-worker you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, we can gather new reinforcements for the right to keep and bear arms.
And we're certainly going to need those reinforcements.
The coming 12 months could be the worst ever for Americans who own firearms, or even those who may want to exercise that right in the future.
Why do I say that?
As you watch the unfolding Presidential campaign drama, it is perfectly clear that neither of the major parties is going to nominate a candidate whom even the most starry eyed optimists could term a friend.
Without re-hashing every detail, Sen. John McCain has made a career out thumbing his nose at gun owners across our country while he represents arguably the most pro-gun state in the nation. If he were to represent the entire nation as president, he would undoubtedly cave to the anti-gun cries of California and New York.
And Sen. Barack Obama is dramatically worse. He’s even signed pledges to make all semi-automatic firearms illegal. But this note isn't about the Presidential campaign itself.
Also troublesome is that the checks-and-balances we might expect from Congress, given the current make-up, will instead be a rubber stamp to the gun control schemes of Sarah Brady and her ilk.
In Colorado, things are not much better. Former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter sits in the Governor’s seat, with a State House and State Senate controlled by the far-left side of the Democrat party.
And this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on what could be a landmark case for gun owners -- but it could go in either direction.
Any one of these items is a concern. But taken all together, the coming 12 months -- both on a national level and in Colorado -- should have gun owners biting their nails.
So the real question is: What can we do about it?
I get that question daily: "With all that's happening, what can I do?"
As a 19 year political consultant, I firmly believe our answer is in the mobilization of gun owners -- and those who are willing to fight for the right to keep and bear arms.
You see, holding a position in favor of gun rights is not enough. Actually doing something to advance our gun rights is what is required.
Yes, you can try to convince an anti-gunner (or a neutral person) to change his or her position on the gun issue. That’s called the “Education Theory” of changing public policy.
But changing an individual’s mind on a controversial issue is difficult, at best. Let me illustrate.
You probably know someone in your family who is anti-gun (or at least not pro-gun). Everyone does.
You can spend 4 hours every Thanksgiving and Easter with your anti-gun aunt (who loves you, and whom you love) trying to convince her of the rightness of your arguments about the Second Amendment. And even with that amount of time and good will, it rarely works (though, obviously, honor dictates you make the attempt).
So does it seem logical that a 30 second commercial (costing millions of dollars) from a stranger is going to convince people to change their stance, when countless hours with someone you know didn't? No, I don't think it seems likely to be effective. And other methods of "educating" have the same premise.
This displays what I believe is our problem: so many "gun rights leaders" subscribe to this education theory, and I don't believe it gets us anywhere.
Yes, we’ve all convinced someone to change their position. Most of us have a success story, but most often a change in mind comes from a real-life circumstance, not idle chatter.
So if “education” doesn’t win for the side of freedom, what does?
The mobilization of our side is the key to victory, not education. As the saying goes "Ideas do not have consequences, only actions."
Mobilizing gun owners across Colorado (and across our country) is the vital link to changing public policy.
It doesn’t take 51% of the public.
It takes a determined group of activists who fight smart and hard.
Which is exactly why I am sending you this note today.
I’d like to ask you a personal favor.
Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, especially those who live in Colorado.
Tell that group of people “I trust Dudley Brown at Rocky Mountain Gun Owners to fight hard for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms -- I hope you'll take action, and join with us in this crucial time."
Then ask them to subscribe to our low-volume, no-spam Colorado gun rights alert list by clicking here. (http://www.rmgo.org/subscribe/index.shtml)
In other words, help me mobilize your friends and co-workers.
Of course, we’d love to have them as donors and members of RMGO.
And if that’s something you, or they, would like to do right now, you can donate through our secure online form by clicking here. (https://rmgo.ejoinme.org/MyPages/RMGODonationPage/tabid/16761/Default.aspx)
But more importantly, let’s get them involved -- in even a small way -- in the battle to save our rights.
The next 12 months are demanding our attention.
Without question, we are in a pivotal point for gun rights.
So let’s call in some reinforcements. Let’s build our army for freedom.
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. The next 12 months are pivotal for our gun rights.
And so I’m asking you to do me a personal favor.
Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, especially those who live in Colorado.
Tell that group of people “I trust Dudley Brown at Rocky Mountain Gun Owners to fight hard for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms -- I hope you'll take action, and join with us in this crucial time."
Then ask them to subscribe to our low-volume, no-spam Colorado gun rights alert list by clicking here. (http://www.rmgo.org/subscribe/index.shtml)