AK Bullet Ice Cube Tray


Staff member
These's are just awesome.

Link to the Bullet Ice Cube Tray



It would be cool if they had different calibers.
They are interesting. Probably add food color or dye to make tracer tips...
So...if I put these in a glass, does that make it an assault drink? Or is that only if the cup looks angry enough?
I think I am going to buy this. I love this!

In Massachusetts, I am sure these are illegal!

I might be deemed "UNSUITABLE" for these ice cubes and way too young to own them. They will probably knock my ice cube trays down to a CLASS B Ice tray and restrict it to only a few cubes. Gotta love Mass! (Not)
I should have ordered a couple when I first saw them. Looks like they are out of stock!
I was tempted, but then noticed that the site and products are in the UK - and given their draconian gun laws, I just can't bring myself to support them.
