Ah ha!!!


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OK so today I went to the Mason Mi gun show, my primary goal was to load up on some .40 Wolf to feed my new XDm. I was about no 40 in line when they opened and after going though the first row of tables I decided to head to the ammo guy....

This fella always has a large supply of wolf's, 9, .223, and usually .40 so on a whim I head for his spot.....

When I get there there is another guy trying to buy some .223, now this looks strange nearly all his ammo is stacked in front of his booth instead of along side....

Other guy asks how much for.... N the ammo guy says he just sold it all!!! about 20+K rounds to one person..... no he did not bring any more with him!!!!

On the way home I call a friend in AZ and M telling him this story and he tells me of a place he gets his ammo from.... they had received in over 1.5 million rounds one day, N someone bought it all up the next!!!!

So I have to believe this ammo shortage is being generated not by short supplies, or non manufacture but by someone or a group that is buying up every round they can lay their hands on....

For you tin hat types could it be a evil government plot to let us have our guns and not any ammo, could it be some end of the world survival nut's planning on WW III, or could it just be panic in the streets and people stocking up huge amounts of ammo for family fun day at the range???? To me this just looks like a repeat of the mid 70's TP scare....

Me I still found a few deals on some white box, wolf's and some Magtech for when I carry the gun.
Does not make much sence. I as in BassPro Toy Store today. Couple boxes of Blazer 44mag, couple 357, a couple Cor-Bon .38sp, A box of Winchester Self Defense 9mm......... Long gun, Shotgun and 22 is plentiful. The Glass cases were petty empty as well. More Wheel guns than Semi's.... :cray:
The current data on background checks shows that Americans are purchasing well over 1 million firearms a month (and almost 1.5 million in November of 2008). These new firearms need ammo.

Also, the same fear that is driving a lot of gun sales applies to ammo as well.

I never used to worry about having a stockpile. I always kept some extra around for each of my guns. Now I can see the wisdom in keeping a contingency supply for every caliber I use. This includes over 10,000 rounds of .22lr and 5000 rounds of .223. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who "got serious" or "woke up" last year.

You would think that an ammo vendor at a gun show would set a maximum per customer if someone was trying to buy all of their .223 on the 1st day. Why not let people buy 2000-3000 rounds and tell them that they're welcome to come back the last few hours of the last day and buy anything that's left.
Because... one sale and he goes home.

I saw some .357 and .38 at Wal-Mart, nothing else in weeks. I'll buy more when I have money and I find it again. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another 1000 rounds.
The current data on background checks shows that Americans are purchasing well over 1 million firearms a month (and almost 1.5 million in November of 2008). These new firearms need ammo.

Also, the same fear that is driving a lot of gun sales applies to ammo as well.

I never used to worry about having a stockpile. I always kept some extra around for each of my guns. Now I can see the wisdom in keeping a contingency supply for every caliber I use. This includes over 10,000 rounds of .22lr and 5000 rounds of .223. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who "got serious" or "woke up" last year.

You would think that an ammo vendor at a gun show would set a maximum per customer if someone was trying to buy all of their .223 on the 1st day. Why not let people buy 2000-3000 rounds and tell them that they're welcome to come back the last few hours of the last day and buy anything that's left.
If I were an ammo dealer at a gun show, I'd show up with a wheel dolley and nothing else. I'd sell everything I had to the first guy and I'd be home for breakfast without having to so much as set up my table. Wouldn't you?
I've got 1000 rounds of 40 jhp, 500 rounds of .380jhp and 500 or fmj, 10,000 rounds .22 half of which are top shelf and I've got 400 rounds of 00 buck. As soon as this stuff started and I could see it start I jumped. It's take 6 weeks to get where I am but I'm there.
Anyway, these rounds fill certain storage containers I have for them. Anything that doesn't fit the contains is eligable for the range. Nothing in the containers get's shot unless I have replacements secured. I don't have a clue what I'm going to do with 300 pounds of ammo but I'm damned sure not going to wonder what I'm going to do if I don't have it. :no:
Anyway, last Thursday morning (I think Thursday) there was guy in a Porsche at the Las Vegas Bass Pro Shop. He had a dually pick-up truck with him with a couple of hispanic gentlemen. He sat at the Bass Pro for two hours waiting for the delivery truck. He bought everything they had in every caliber he had and drove away an hour later with a full pick-up truck. I was told this by a manager as I gave him $200 for .22s.
BTW, I bought 10 boxes of Remington .380 UMC this morning....off the Cabelas web site. Jackpot.
I just bought the .380 as the supply started drying up. Now I've got enough brass for reloading.
:pleasantry:Its the Mexicans buying up the stuff through that nasty gun-show loophole and sending back to Mexico. :pleasantry: J/K I am betting the the next attack will be on the gun shows rather than the AWB.
The current data on background checks shows that Americans are purchasing well over 1 million firearms a month (and almost 1.5 million in November of 2008). These new firearms need ammo.

Also, the same fear that is driving a lot of gun sales applies to ammo as well.

I never used to worry about having a stockpile. I always kept some extra around for each of my guns. Now I can see the wisdom in keeping a contingency supply for every caliber I use. This includes over 10,000 rounds of .22lr and 5000 rounds of .223. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who "got serious" or "woke up" last year.

You would think that an ammo vendor at a gun show would set a maximum per customer if someone was trying to buy all of their .223 on the 1st day. Why not let people buy 2000-3000 rounds and tell them that they're welcome to come back the last few hours of the last day and buy anything that's left.

in my opinion it's a pretty good thing that so many guns are being sold. both to gun lovers and first time gun owners.. our idiot so called "leaders" are getting way out of hand.. making up stories in order to convince the ignorant of why we should have gun bans and what not.. a lot of people have their eyes open to what is going on in the world. our government is surely not going to keep us safe... so glad to see that so many people are preparing themselves for something that will hopefully not happen.... at least for a while.
in my opinion it's a pretty good thing that so many guns are being sold. both to gun lovers and first time gun owners.. our idiot so called "leaders" are getting way out of hand.. making up stories in order to convince the ignorant of why we should have gun bans and what not.. a lot of people have their eyes open to what is going on in the world. our government is surely not going to keep us safe... so glad to see that so many people are preparing themselves for something that will hopefully not happen.... at least for a while.

i agree! I am happy we have more people at least seeing a little of what we see. I think 20/20 is doing something this Friday called "If I only had a gun" or something like that. I hope to watch it. I need to stock up on some ammo. I am running so short! I can't help it! I buy a ton, and shoot twice what I bought.
I think some people are trying to take advantage of the situation to....go buy a boat load of ammo take it back to YOUR gunshop or what ever and mark it up %200 and make easy money!!....which is bullshit...
Here is your real cause....

Here is the man that single handedly is responsible for the massive upsurge in gun and ammo sales... We Give you the Firearms Salesman of the year!!!

I think some people are trying to take advantage of the situation to....go buy a boat load of ammo take it back to YOUR gunshop or what ever and mark it up %200 and make easy money!!....which is bullshit...

I agree.. some one suggested to me that I do this with part of my stash... ummm.. I did not buy it to resell it.. I bought it because I might need it!! and the cause for need might not be too far off.

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