After the shooting: Police Interview Video

If you ever use your weapon in self defense, you may be arrested. You should have an attorney present. The video that is linked to below is Luke Sanchez being interviewed by Police.

Mr. Sanchez shot and killed Gary Gabaldon after Mr. Gabaldon broke through his truck window and assaulted him. Mr. Sanchez was charged with murder and a judge threw it out.

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I am an American citizen and I wish to cooperate fully in your investigation.

* I choose to exercise my constitutional rights by refusing to speak with you or answer any questions until I have consulted with an attorney.

* I do not consent to any search of my person, property, vehicle, or residence. If you have a properly executed warrant, please serve it.

*If you have a tape or video recorder, please activate it at this time so that I may read this aloud for the record.

Anything you say can and will be taken down, misquoted, and used against you in a court of law.
I relaize there may have been many factors that were not covered in the interview, but based in the information provided in the interview, I am amazed that any DA would have even pursued charges.
I am an American citizen and I wish to cooperate fully in your investigation.

* I choose to exercise my constitutional rights by refusing to speak with you or answer any questions until I have consulted with an attorney.

* I do not consent to any search of my person, property, vehicle, or residence. If you have a properly executed warrant, please serve it.

*If you have a tape or video recorder, please activate it at this time so that I may read this aloud for the record.

Anything you say can and will be taken down, misquoted, and used against you in a court of law.

Everyone should copy and paste to Word, print and carry this on their person.

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