Capt. Frank
New member
Prepare to be enraged, because I know I sure am.
Last week, I sent you news that the outrageous gun and ammo grab bill, Senate Bill 137, had been refused a vote in the Public Safety Committee.
Well, Frank, these gun grabbers sure know what they’re doing. It turns out that those committee proceedings – every bit of it – was just for show.
It was an act. It was all “Legislative Theater.”
We asked you to call those committee members and demand that they TABLE the bill for good reason; it would need to be LIFTED from the table in order to be passed out of committee.
And two members of that committee did what you asked them to; one made a motion to TABLE, the other seconded the motion --- rumored to be the first time that has occurred in a Delaware Senate committee in nearly a decade!
But the Chairman abruptly stopped proceedings and told those Senators that it “was not needed” because the bill sponsor had promised to go home and “work on the language.”
There wasn't even any public comment.
Instead, the bill sponsor was sent away with specific instructions from the Committee Chair:
“Write a bill that makes sense.”
Today, that committee Chairman, Senator Robert Marshall of the 3rd Senate District in West Wilmington, circulated the bill for signatures to pass it out of committee and put it on the Senate’s Ready List.
It’s times like these that make our state government no different than a banana republic.
Because in Delaware, under the current leadership, even the extremely loose and disorganized rules of conduct that they have taken the time to scribble out are virtually irrelevant.
Here’s a lesson for all of us on their current "process," if you can call it that:
It doesn’t matter how a committee votes, how many people turn out to a committee hearing, how eloquent your testimony is, or what the politicians say in or out of that hearing.
It doesn’t even matter if every politician on a committee stood up on their desk, shook their fist in protest and voted NO across the board.
The only thing that matters is whether or not they “Sign the Backer.”
Call the members of the Public Safety Committee right now and demand that they DO NOT SIGN THE BACKER for Senate Bill 137.
The backer is a placard that is attached to the back of the actual, physical bill. It’s like a folder or a clipboard that travels with the bill everywhere it goes.
If a majority of the committee members sign the back of that thing, the bill moves along. And it’s the same way in the House.
And by the way, the backer can be signed anytime, day or night, on the day of the hearing or a week later.
Literally, the Chairman’s assistant just puts on their walking shoes and does a little marathon around Legislative Hall, chasing down each committee member for their quick “John Hancock.”
Please tell me you see the absurdity in this process.
Next year, we need to demand something that even modestly resembles a sensible, functioning government.
That includes the transparency of roll call votes, documented and published online for the citizens to see, instead of this elusive, Keystone Cop cloud of secrecy process.
But I digress.
At the moment, we are trying to find out if members who were absent on the day of a bill’s hearing can sign the backer.
Because Public Safety Committee members Bryan Townsend and David McBride weren’t even there.
I’m not holding my breath; I think I know what the answer is.
And that means Senate Bill 137 could very well be on the Senate Ready List as early as tomorrow if they get just 4 signatures on that backer.
Frank, we need you to call the members of the Public Safety Committee right now and demand that they DO NOT SIGN THE BACKER for Senate Bill 137.
Senate Bill 137 may be exactly the ticket the anti-gun crowd is looking for to start their field day of parts and ammo confiscation.
Last week, I sent you news that the outrageous gun and ammo grab bill, Senate Bill 137, had been refused a vote in the Public Safety Committee.
Well, Frank, these gun grabbers sure know what they’re doing. It turns out that those committee proceedings – every bit of it – was just for show.
It was an act. It was all “Legislative Theater.”
We asked you to call those committee members and demand that they TABLE the bill for good reason; it would need to be LIFTED from the table in order to be passed out of committee.
And two members of that committee did what you asked them to; one made a motion to TABLE, the other seconded the motion --- rumored to be the first time that has occurred in a Delaware Senate committee in nearly a decade!
But the Chairman abruptly stopped proceedings and told those Senators that it “was not needed” because the bill sponsor had promised to go home and “work on the language.”
There wasn't even any public comment.
Instead, the bill sponsor was sent away with specific instructions from the Committee Chair:
“Write a bill that makes sense.”
Today, that committee Chairman, Senator Robert Marshall of the 3rd Senate District in West Wilmington, circulated the bill for signatures to pass it out of committee and put it on the Senate’s Ready List.
It’s times like these that make our state government no different than a banana republic.
Because in Delaware, under the current leadership, even the extremely loose and disorganized rules of conduct that they have taken the time to scribble out are virtually irrelevant.
Here’s a lesson for all of us on their current "process," if you can call it that:
It doesn’t matter how a committee votes, how many people turn out to a committee hearing, how eloquent your testimony is, or what the politicians say in or out of that hearing.
It doesn’t even matter if every politician on a committee stood up on their desk, shook their fist in protest and voted NO across the board.
The only thing that matters is whether or not they “Sign the Backer.”
Call the members of the Public Safety Committee right now and demand that they DO NOT SIGN THE BACKER for Senate Bill 137.
The backer is a placard that is attached to the back of the actual, physical bill. It’s like a folder or a clipboard that travels with the bill everywhere it goes.
If a majority of the committee members sign the back of that thing, the bill moves along. And it’s the same way in the House.
And by the way, the backer can be signed anytime, day or night, on the day of the hearing or a week later.
Literally, the Chairman’s assistant just puts on their walking shoes and does a little marathon around Legislative Hall, chasing down each committee member for their quick “John Hancock.”
Please tell me you see the absurdity in this process.
Next year, we need to demand something that even modestly resembles a sensible, functioning government.
That includes the transparency of roll call votes, documented and published online for the citizens to see, instead of this elusive, Keystone Cop cloud of secrecy process.
But I digress.
At the moment, we are trying to find out if members who were absent on the day of a bill’s hearing can sign the backer.
Because Public Safety Committee members Bryan Townsend and David McBride weren’t even there.
I’m not holding my breath; I think I know what the answer is.
And that means Senate Bill 137 could very well be on the Senate Ready List as early as tomorrow if they get just 4 signatures on that backer.
Frank, we need you to call the members of the Public Safety Committee right now and demand that they DO NOT SIGN THE BACKER for Senate Bill 137.
Senate Bill 137 may be exactly the ticket the anti-gun crowd is looking for to start their field day of parts and ammo confiscation.