ACLU of Louisiana files lawsuit over gun...


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ACLU files suit over gun rights

A New Orleans man is suing the city and its district attorney for refusing to give back a gun that police seized when he was arrested on drug and firearms charges.

The American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday filed the federal suit on behalf of Errol Houston Jr., who was arrested last year following a traffic stop.

The suit says the district attorney's office declined to prosecute Houston but has refused to return his .40 caliber firearm.

Houston claims Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro has instituted a policy that firearms seized during arrests will not be returned to their owners.

The ACLU says that policy violates Houston's constitutional rights.

Cannizzaro says his office decides on a "case by case basis'' whether to return confiscated guns.
If no charges were filed against him he should have his firearm returned to him .Plain and simple.
Right on target, CCW357. Proof that the ACLU isn't wrong every time. The D.A. can't just make "policy" unilaterally.

That said, if the owner isn't legally allowed to have a firearm, they can't exactly hand it back to him.

Twenty years ago, New Jersey, under gun-grabber and tax flim-flammer Governor Jim Florio, seized all "assault" weapons without any compensation to the owners. The ACLU was cheering the government on in that case. (Of course, most owners gave them for safekeeping to friends in Pennsylvania or otherwise "hid" them. I doubt that the state actually took possession of very many.)
Confiscation of Guns

New Orleans isn't the only place in Louisiana that will confiscate guns. The National Association for Gun Rights put out a letter concerning the city of Shreveport doing the very same thing. According to the letter, a gentleman by the name of Robert Baillio was pulled over by the police for having two pro- gun stickers on the back of his truck. The officers excuse for pulling him over, however, was for failing to use his turn signal. The only questions supposedly asked Baillio concerned guns and, if he had a gun and where was it. The officer then proceded to confiscate his gun and search his vehicle without his permission. Mr. Baillio has a CCW and the state law allows a gun to be carried in a vehicle. Apparently, it all boils down to the anti-gun stance of the mayor who believes that he and his policemen can violate the individual's rights and confiscate his weapon in violation of the law. Maybe the mayor in this case should look into the law suit filed against the city of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and the consequences of arbitrarily violating an individual's rights. The blog by NAGR can be read at:
What has the ACLU done that you think is an anti-American activity?

It has tried to have In God We Trust removed from our coinage, for one. It has also argued that the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American the right to publish child pornography.

But not to own firearms: the ACLU has long insisted that Americans do not have the right, constitutional or otherwise, to keep and bear arms. I consider that position un-American.

For (far) more, and an understanding of the various metamorphoses this organization has undergone since its founding during World War I, read The Politics of the American Civil Liberties Union, by William A. Donohue.

But even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Every once in a while, the ACLU takes up the case of a college student who was disciplined for questioning his school's prevailing left-wing orthodoxy or for flying an American flag.
Yes they can make policy. When the police chiefs have discretionary power they can do whatever the hell they want to. Unless this guy wants to take HIS case all the way to the supreme court, his only option might be to have a friend retrieve the gun through a sale or gift, and move to another city to regain possession of it. The chief has the final word.
What has the ACLU done that you think is an anti-American activity?

It has tried to have In God We Trust removed from our coinage, for one.

"in god we trust" was not adopted as an official motto until 1956. America got along fine for 180 years without it.

Seems to me those who have worked to overturn 180 years of American tradition are the ones exhibiting un-american activities.

Let's go back to the America of 1950 - when "god" was not in the pledge, and before "in god we trust" was a national motto. Would that make you happy?
"in god we trust" was not adopted as an official motto until 1956. America got along fine for 180 years without it.

Seems to me those who have worked to overturn 180 years of American tradition are the ones exhibiting un-american activities.

Let's go back to the America of 1950 - when "god" was not in the pledge, and before "in god we trust" was a national motto. Would that make you happy?

No, it wouldn't make me happy. This nation was dedicated to God from the get go. It survived and prospered and became the greatest nation in the world. When people started leaving God out of our every day lives, our nation started to deteriorate and you can see what a mess we are in now. I am sorry for you if you don't believe in God but the day is coming in which you will!
In God We Trust appeared on our coinage almost a century before 1956.

Regardless of what the anti-American ACLU says, the First Amendment does not declare America to be an atheist country. The founders wanted to guard against a "Church of America" to which citizens were forced to pay taxes. They most certainly did not want every vestige of European Christianity expunged from the nation the way the ACLU does.

"Let's go back to the America of 1950 . . ."

You mean when children were allowed to pray in school? When kids could be taught about the Judeo-Christian heritage of the United States? Before every high school in America became saturated with illegal drugs? That 1950?

Incidentally, what do you think the number "1950" signifies? Why do Americans refer to 1950 and not some other number?

The ACLU insists that government seizure of all privately owned firearms would be perfectly constitutional. Please tell us how that position is not anti-American.

You must have a real problem with God to be so obsessed about denying Him.

After you finish reading about the ACLU, read The Atheist Syndrome, by John P. Koster. You might learn something about yourself.
Founded... Rodger Baldwin on Communist principles.

ACLU succinctly sums up their anti gun, anti second amendment viewpoint:

” . . .the individual’s right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected.”

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In God We Trust appeared on our coinage almost a century before 1956.

Along with many pagan symbols as well. It didn’t become an official motto until 1956

Regardless of what the anti-American ACLU says, the First Amendment does not declare America to be an atheist country.

And neither does it declare the United States to be a Puritan or Lutherean, or Baptist nation. The First separates gods from government and government from gods. It declares neutrality for all beliefs as well as no belief. That is the American way.

Attempts to use government to promote one of the 300+ religious beliefs is not the American way. That would be the way of the Puritans as well as the Taliban. Both of which outlawed the celebration of Christmas.

You mean when children were allowed to pray in school?.

Children are still allowed to pray in school. No one has ever been prevented from praying in a public school. Real Christians obey Matthew 6:6.

You must have a real problem with God to be so obsessed about denying Him.

And, pray tell, how do you know your god has a gender?

I don’t deny any gods anymore than I deny the tooth fairy. I simply don’t believe in things for which there is no evidence.

In fact, you and I are way more alike than we are different. You and I don’t believe in 9,999 gods. The only difference between us is that I believe in one less than you.
"And, pray tell, how do you know your god has a gender?"

His Son referred to Him thus.

"Real Christians obey Matthew 6:6."

If you are not a Christian, how can you claim to know what "real" Christians do or should do? In fact, you don't.

"I simply don’t believe in things for which there is no evidence."

You believe the universe popped into existence out of nothing. You believe that random atoms assembled themselves into living beings that eventually gained self-awareness and a concept of their own creator.

Where's the evidence for those scientifically impossible occurrences?

The tooth fairy makes more sense than that.

For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those (like you) who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

A few years ago I met a man who used to be an atheist—until he mapped the human genome.

"The only difference between us is that I believe in one less [god] than you."

Someday you will discover that what you think is an "only" difference is quite a significant difference.

Once again, how is the ACLU's assertion that government seizure of privately owned firearms not anti-American?