What would you do?
Scenario: Dh (dear husband) is still recovering from an automobile accident, he moves quite slowly, walks with a cane, etc. Shopping in Wal*Mart recently, he needed a pit stop. A fellow followed him into the restroom and never entered a stall, he just stood by the sinks waiting for dh to emerge from his stall. First clue to dh that something was amis! Dh emerged from his stall with his hand on the handle of his pistol. The fellow asked, stated, "I bet you have money in that pouch?! I could hurt you," showing his hand and the weapon he had concealed in it. It was some kind of bar the fellow had palmed, but not brass knuckles. Dh said there was more in his pouch than money and if someone was going to be hurt well it wouldn't be him (dh)! He began pulling out the pistol. The fellow backed off immediately and left the restroom. He was later escorted from the store after dh alerted the front manager!
I tried talking dh into alerting the police but he wouldn't, saying the problem was taken care of. I disagree. The fellow is still freely walking the streets.
What are you thoughts, ideas? What would you do?
Scenario: Dh (dear husband) is still recovering from an automobile accident, he moves quite slowly, walks with a cane, etc. Shopping in Wal*Mart recently, he needed a pit stop. A fellow followed him into the restroom and never entered a stall, he just stood by the sinks waiting for dh to emerge from his stall. First clue to dh that something was amis! Dh emerged from his stall with his hand on the handle of his pistol. The fellow asked, stated, "I bet you have money in that pouch?! I could hurt you," showing his hand and the weapon he had concealed in it. It was some kind of bar the fellow had palmed, but not brass knuckles. Dh said there was more in his pouch than money and if someone was going to be hurt well it wouldn't be him (dh)! He began pulling out the pistol. The fellow backed off immediately and left the restroom. He was later escorted from the store after dh alerted the front manager!
I tried talking dh into alerting the police but he wouldn't, saying the problem was taken care of. I disagree. The fellow is still freely walking the streets.
What are you thoughts, ideas? What would you do?
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