Accosted in Wal*Mart; what would you do?


What would you do?

Scenario: Dh (dear husband) is still recovering from an automobile accident, he moves quite slowly, walks with a cane, etc. Shopping in Wal*Mart recently, he needed a pit stop. A fellow followed him into the restroom and never entered a stall, he just stood by the sinks waiting for dh to emerge from his stall. First clue to dh that something was amis! Dh emerged from his stall with his hand on the handle of his pistol. The fellow asked, stated, "I bet you have money in that pouch?! I could hurt you," showing his hand and the weapon he had concealed in it. It was some kind of bar the fellow had palmed, but not brass knuckles. Dh said there was more in his pouch than money and if someone was going to be hurt well it wouldn't be him (dh)! He began pulling out the pistol. The fellow backed off immediately and left the restroom. He was later escorted from the store after dh alerted the front manager!

I tried talking dh into alerting the police but he wouldn't, saying the problem was taken care of. I disagree. The fellow is still freely walking the streets.

What are you thoughts, ideas? What would you do?
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What would you do?

Scenario: Dh (dear husband) is still recovering from an automobile accident,he moves quite slowly, walks with a cane, etc. Shopping in Wal*Mart recently, he needed a pit stop. A fellow followed him into the restroom and never entered a stall, he just stood by the sinks waiting for dh to emerge from his stall. First clue to dh that something was amis! Dh emerged from his stall with his hand on the handle of his pistol. The fellow asked, stated, "I bet you have money in that pouch?! I could hurt you," showing his hand and the weapon he had concealed in it. It was some kind of bar the fellow had palmed, but not brass knuckles. Dh said there was more in his pouch than money and if someone was going to be hurt well it wouldn't be him (dh)! He began pulling out the pistol. The fellow backed off immediately and left the restroom. He was later escorted from the store after dh alerted the front manager!

I tried talking dh into alerting the police but he wouldn't, saying the problem was taken care of. I disagree. The fellow is still freely walking the streets.

What are you thoughts, ideas? What would you do?

Had a similar experience, took care of the issue myself, like DH did. Cops came, I told them "problem solved". So, that's my vote. I figured why get encumbered in possible lengthy legal proceedings and all that. Yeah, BG is still on the street, but he was enlightened, and perhaps knows that next time might be more severe consequences for him. IMHO, this is the way it's supposed to work: patriot citizens take care of themselves.

My .02 cents
I think he did fine. He's not a cop (is he?),so the apprehension of the do-er is not his concern...keeping you and himself safe is. If he were going to be apprehended, the time to have done that is when he was in the hands of those who were escorting him out. One man's opinion.
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I agree the police should be called. With him going free next time he may kill someone. He needs to be behind bars.
I think the police should be called, but I think WalMart should be the ones to do it since it happened in their store. Your husband should have just had to hang around to provide a description.
But it sounds to me like he handled himself just right.
Call the cops and report this guy.

This was an attempted robbery. The police need to be on the lookout for him.

I agree that your husband did fine minus calling the Police. My personal feeling is any time your gun is displayed you need to be the first one to call the Police and have a report written up. The last thing you want is to have the BG or a witness, which may not have seen the entire even, calling the police saying someone just pulled a gun on them. Police get there not knowing Hubby from Joe BG and it turns into a he said she said.

Glad to hear Hubby made it out safe and sound tho. Another crime thwarted by an honest armed citizen.

By the way did Wal-Mart track the BG down in the men’s section looking for a new pair of pants?
Don't know about the state of NV, but as a UT CFP instructor, we are advised by UT BCI to instruct students to call the police whenever they draw their firearm for SD purposes. This would be regardless of shots being fired or not. There have been cases in the past where a BG encounters a CC citizen, then goes on to report the "crime" to the police. The citizen is arrested and charged with terroristic threatening and encounters numerous legal challenges (both civil and criminal). In most cases, the LEO will take down some information, verify the citizen is carrying legally, write a report and be on their way. Reporting the BG will not only protect the citizen from false accusations, but may also help LEO track down and apprehend suspects.

Bottom line, gun drawn for SD, you should report it to the police.

I agree with Glock Talk.

If you draw your firearm you are using it for self defense. Your husband may not have fired, but if the bad guy advanced he probably would have. The would be robber could have called the police and told them some guy threatened him in the bathroom with a gun.

Bottom line, call the police whenever you need to draw your firearm.:biggrin:
I think the police should be called, but I think WalMart should be the ones to do it since it happened in their store. Your husband should have just had to hang around to provide a description.
But it sounds to me like he handled himself just right.

I can't believe they just shoved him out the door and left it at that.
Contact the store manager so they can be aware of the danger and tell them to contact the police for you, you wish to file a report.
The time stamp will be on the surveilance video and probaly has the BG leaving the restroom on camera. DH could ID the perp and all is taken care of. I think DH performed admirably!
The time stamp will be on the surveilance video and probaly has the BG leaving the restroom on camera. DH could ID the perp and all is taken care of. I think DH performed admirably!

Good idea on the surveillance video stamp!! Now why didn't I think of that? :fie:
Think of it this way:

1. the scum had tried the same thing on someone else the night before who did the same thing your husband did.

2. Your husband, for whatever, reason did not have his weapon with him the next night.

If the guy on the previous night had called the police then the incident with your husband might never have happened.

Moreover, what if the scum learns from the incident and next time goes into the next stall, and attacks the person leaving from behind by clubing them over the head before they have a chance to protect themselves?

I don't think we should rely on the police for all of our protection, but I do think we should use them for whatever aid they can give.
Here's a big "WHAT IF". What if the guy had left the store and called 911 and reported a crotchety old man that pulled a gun and threatened him in the restroom?:fie: Guess who would have went to jail.:angry: