ABC News is Airing a 20/20 Special


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ABC News 20/20 Magazine is airing a special Friday night April 10, 2k9 at 10 pm edt. "If I only had a Gun" by Diane Sawyer and John Stossel.

I have seen work both Pro and Anti from ABC News and I am not sure what this is going to be in light of tragities of this last month. I have this feeing it is going to be negative.
I agree John... Stossel has a good history of a pro-concealed carry stance. Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to program the DVR now.
Got in "pencilled in" on my calendar! And Stossel will present a good positive line! Gotta watch and save this one!
i hope they include the recent somalia pirates into this. its a good example of what happens to hard working unarmed men against lazy pathetic armed thieves.

im still wondering why the presideant hasnt commented
OK 15min in and it is almost total BS. You have extremely well trained shooters going against mostly untrained people with unfamiliar equipment. And they are on a mission to kill this person.
Then they keep repeating how well trained the police are. Last time I checked, police only need to qual every few months.......
OK 15min in and it is almost total BS. You have extremely well trained shooters going against mostly untrained people with unfamiliar equipment. And they are on a mission to kill this person.
Then they keep repeating how well trained the police are. Last time I checked, police only need to qual every few months.......

Agreed, EXTremely fear mongering... Noticed that the first words were from the Brady Bunch...

Total crap....During the test the gunmen go directly for the one, who they know is armed, in the room, WTF! Action is always faster then reaction! NEGATIVE! Not like I'm surprised.
Ok, I have to turn the channel....this is such a digusting one sided typical liberal media show....lets blame the guns! Oh man I get so frustrated with this crap!
About the only thing I can agree with is there are a lot of people who are not well enough trained to handle a weapon safely. Pretty much everyone on this forum has probably had at least basic training.
I am talking about the guy who gets scared or upset, goes out and buys a gun. He then drops it in his dresser drawer and never even goes to the range.

The two things we need to be asking is how do we get those people trained, and how do we get equal time on the air, how do we get an hour long program on national broadcast TV?
BTW... No John Stossel, or at least not in the last 15 minutes that I caught. Gonna have to look for it on youtube tomorrow.
Perhaps the 7000+ members of USA Carry should email John Stossel to ask him to do his own hour long special on the topic.

Funny thing, Diane said "we couldn't find any" data on defensive use of firearms. She probably asked Sarah Brady for that info. I bet John would have no problem finding that data.
Trash, I had to go for a walk outside, I was so PI****D. Yet , on of the commercals is for a ABC network show showing a gun fight. JUST Bu*****T
I assumed it would be one-sided, so I went to WallyWorld and bought 200 rounds of 9mm WWB instead.
I assumed it would be one-sided, so I went to WallyWorld and bought 200 rounds of 9mm WWB instead.

Speaking of...

That is where I was during the first 45minutes of the show. They had just got 1 case of 9mm Blazer Brass. This was the ONLY ammo they received in the last 2 weeks, so I bought half of it. Then I did some more shopping and later decided to go back and buy the rest. When I got back to the ammo case, someone else was buying 4 boxes, so I bought the last 6. Now the pistol ammo case is EMPTY again.:cray:

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