A USA Carry Beretta Group?


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Beretta Owners with any interest in a "new" user-group, please note. I know such a fool-proof, perfect weapon will never need parts, repair, or even irreverent comment or advice, but even Beretta's don't come equipped with everything, right out of the box. If you own a Beretta and want a discussion of an problem (or information about it) to just other Beretta owners (keeping gerneral site readers from 'nodding off' into their coffee), go ahead and 'subscribe' and let's see if there is enough interest to make this 'go around'...
I'll give it a shot. I'm a relatively new member here, but I'm a regular at the Beretta Forum, if there are others interested on this site then great :)
Avail - Good point, I don't know how much interest there is either. I decided to run this as a 'floater' to see if there is interest enough to take the trouble to moderate it. If not then so be it, but despite being newly-retired and just back into the US, I can give it some time if others want to deal with 'communication'.

What model are you using? Your avatar photo looks exactly like my own 84F, although it is too small to tell about the wood grips!
Usa Carry does not do user groups anymore it got out of hand so the owner took them down. But we did have the group you are wanting to start. Now you just talk about it under the handgun forum.
I wish Beretta would make a 30-round magazine that didn't look like an afterthought. I don't want a giant stick-down, longass magazine in my CX4
Wow! History DOES repeat itself...

Usa Carry does not do user groups anymore it got out of hand so the owner took them down. But we did have the group you are wanting to start. Now you just talk about it under the handgun forum.

Hey "Infidel".. (Sorry, I like that better than" S&W M&P40" - my years around the deserts, I guess!) Well, knock me over with an "ins'allah" !

OK, being pretty new here in any kind of 'regular reading' way, I was not/not aware of this bit of history. I have let Lukem know this and am prepared to 'do the needful' as they are so fond of saying in India! Thanks for the head's up, let's see if he wants to continue the ban ... ironically, I searched as a result of your email, and found a reference to the old Beretta group, and it was Lukem who moderated it!

Whatever, as Avail points out, there always is the Beretta Forum(.net) if we really want to avoid re-inventing this particular wheel...
Usa Carry does not do user groups anymore it got out of hand so the owner took them down. But we did have the group you are wanting to start. Now you just talk about it under the handgun forum.

The user groups are still around. They were taken off the main forum pages after a software update not because of them getting out of hand. Link Removed They are still in the user groups area. Here is the link for the Beretta group. Link Removed and all groups are here, Link Removed If you click on Community and then Groups it will take you there.
Yes red hat is right. What i meant to say was the user groups are still active. But they no longer get their own forums for each user group. You can still make/join a group you just no long get your own set forum for that group. Like we did have on here before it got out of hand. Before when a user group got five or more users it would get it's own user child forum on the main forum. That got out of hand and we had forums for everything under the sun so Luke took them down and made it so all topics would be talked about under one main child forum I.E Handguns,long guns and so on.
Fantastic... it is great to read all this, 'old news' as it may be for you 'old-timers'! Thanks to both of you, Red Hat and S&WM&P40, for taking the time to share a bit of "history" re. the site. (By the way, Red Hat, your included link went to the new "group" I just 'started'!)

Anyway, I hope this may have been helpful to other 'new' membetrs also, and I will indeed henceforth float my questions/etc. in the more 'generalized' forum most related to the subject!
Avail - Good point, I don't know how much interest there is either. I decided to run this as a 'floater' to see if there is interest enough to take the trouble to moderate it. If not then so be it, but despite being newly-retired and just back into the US, I can give it some time if others want to deal with 'communication'.

What model are you using? Your avatar photo looks exactly like my own 84F, although it is too small to tell about the wood grips!

I have a few Berettas in my humble collection, and I carry a 9000S 99% of the time, and a .32 Tomcat the other 1% (it gets mighty hot here in Vegas and its hard to conceal anything when wearing shorts) Once I can get some ammo and some time to qualify I'll be carrying a .40 9000S. My avatar is a M9 btw, one of my favorite fullsize guns.

I used to have an 84 Cheetah back in the day, but it got stolen a few years ago and then recovered, and I never felt right having it in the house (the gun was found on a gangbanger illegal immigrant in Colorado, I lived in Oregon at the time)
Fantastic... it is great to read all this, 'old news' as it may be for you 'old-timers'! Thanks to both of you, Red Hat and S&WM&P40, for taking the time to share a bit of "history" re. the site. (By the way, Red Hat, your included link went to the new "group" I just 'started'!)

Anyway, I hope this may have been helpful to other 'new' membetrs also, and I will indeed henceforth float my questions/etc. in the more 'generalized' forum most related to the subject!

The link red hat meant to send to you was this link Link Removed . To the Beretta user group that was already made. If you can please join that user group and close the new one you just made. So users don't get lost when they search for a user group and come up with two. As for the Group Child forums for each user group a lot of us like it a lot better with just the main sub child boards, So you can ask all the things you need information to in one board. All information you need on any and all handguns can be asked under the handgun forum. Same with the Long gun forum it covers any and all long guns. My self i love it the way it's set up now as you get so many more replays to your topic your needing information on. The old way you could not post a replay unless you where a member of the user group. Then the forums got out of hand we had more sub child user forums then any other thing on the forum. For things that had nothing to do with concealed carrying. All and all it's a lot easier/faster/fun to find/get the information you are looking for on here with the new set up. You still have a main message board on the user group home. As for you Moderating the forum i do not see that happening Luke does not hand that job out. Some of us on here are Mods/forum admins on other forums and we our self's do not have mod jobs on here.

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