A true and crazy story- The reason you should never leave unarmed


New member
I just thought that I would share this story with you guys, it's a great example of why you should never leave your home unarmed. And as crazy as it sounds, it's true.

One of My best friends got his CCP as soon as he turned 21. At that time he was a college student at the UT Knox.

One day he went out unarmed and was walking home to his apartment at night. As he was walking down a dark street, he noticed a car slowly pacing behind him, he just kept walking. The next thing that happened was pretty alarming- The car pulled up beside him, and the driver of the car reached out and grabbed his shirt and exclaimed, '' I want your big cock'.' My friend was in shock he's a big guy, so he just looked at the guy and kind of started to take a swing, the guy drove off.

My friend proceded to his apartment. About thirty minutes later my friend looked out his apartment window and saw the same car, driving around his apartment complex parking lot. He called the police and notified them. The police arrested the suspect and called him down to make a positive identification. The police explained to him that the perp had been driving around the campus area with an accomplice, the perp and the accomplice were communicating with eachother via CB radios, they were looking for people to rape. It turns out that both perps were ex-cons who had been recently released from prison, for kiddnap and rape charges.

The biggest irony about this situation is that my friend carries everywhere he goes, and the one time that he was unarmed this happened, just imagine how much worse it could have been.
Good Post!!

Thanks for posting! This was a wakeup call for him I'm sure... A good reminder for folks who only occasionally carry their firearm. I personally know a few people who do this and it's hard to get them to understand. I hear this a lot; "Well, I live in a small town and we all know each other."
I carry every where that it is legal. What I don't understand about part time carriers, if you are carrying this time out of fear of a location or situation you are going to, WHY ARE YOU GOING THERE AT ALL? If I am afraid to go someplace without my gun, I ain't goin' there with my gun either, I just ain't going.

“There are three types of men. Some learn by reading, a few learn by observation, and the rest have to piss on the electric fence to find out for themselves.” --- Will Rogers

I lived on UT campus for a few years and there are some serious wierdos that hang around. It is not the safest area. Lots of bums and con artists preying on naive students. Most of the people that live there walk around campus and down the strip. If you are going anywhere that serves alcohol or on campus property you cannot go armed legally, so "not going to the unsafe area" is not an option. TN is trying to change the law about carrying where alcohol is served, but campus will stay a criminal paradise where unarmed soft targets abound.:mad::mad::mad:
I lived on UT campus for a few years and there are some serious wierdos that hang around. It is not the safest area. Lots of bums and con artists preying on naive students. Most of the people that live there walk around campus and down the strip. If you are going anywhere that serves alcohol or on campus property you cannot go armed legally, so "not going to the unsafe area" is not an option. TN is trying to change the law about carrying where alcohol is served, but campus will stay a criminal paradise where unarmed soft targets abound.:mad::mad::mad:

Yeah I hear you on that one. This is off topic, but the gun that you have on your profile pic looks exactly like a compact version of mine, I have the full size H&K USP 40 with a robar coating on the slide, does your gun have the Robar coating also?

Yeah I hear you on that one. This is off topic, but the gun that you have on your profile pic looks exactly like a compact version of mine, I have the full size H&K USP 40 with a robar coating on the slide, does your gun have the Robar coating also?

It is actually a Taurus PT145 Mil Pro Stainless. Taurus is not the only company to "borrow" features from other manufacturers.:laugh: I know some hate Taurus, but this one is just about perfect for it's purpose. H&K is top of the line, but it would kill me to spend as much money on a pistol as an AR or 2 AKs.

10+1 of 230gr 45ACP Corbon +P is a comforting companion.
It is actually a Taurus PT145 Mil Pro Stainless. Taurus is not the only company to "borrow" features from other manufacturers.:laugh: I know some hate Taurus, but this one is just about perfect for it's purpose. H&K is top of the line, but it would kill me to spend as much money on a pistol as an AR or 2 AKs.

10+1 of 230gr 45ACP Corbon +P is a comforting companion.

Wow from that little pic I though it was a USP Compact. and I understand what you mean about the price tag, I actually got mine used online for $600 with shipping, so I got a pretty good deal. Taurus makes some nice looking guns though, I used to have one.
Scary. It is always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Perfect! Words to live by! :cool: I received my carry permit going on 20 years ago and I’ve been armed every day since then.

Every time I leave the house its always automatic; Wallet- check! Spyderco folder- check! Keys- check! Phone- check! Gun and extra mag- CHECK! ......oh and of course my clothes and such too... :sarcastic:
The car pulled up beside him, and the driver of the car reached out and grabbed his shirt and exclaimed, '' I want your big cock'.' My friend was in shock he's a big guy, so he just looked at the guy and kind of started to take a swing, the guy drove off.

Really, am I the only one that finds that freakin' hilarious? (after the fact) I understand the threat, but really?
Really, am I the only one that finds that freakin' hilarious? (after the fact) I understand the threat, but really?

Well yeah since everything ended well, it really is almost comical because if you saw my friend, you would be shocked that someone actually tryed to kidnap him and say something like that, he's a pretty good sized guy and he always acts like mister macho.

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