This is a time for change and by a mere 3% of the popular vote Barrack Husain Obama has won the Presidency of the United States.
What Does 3% mean, it means that the Democrats have indeed did what they promised, they registered voters that would vote how they were told to. ACORN helped to do was what the British, the Nazi's, and the Japanese could not accomplish they have compromised the security and integrity of this country, Yes now we have change.
No this is not about a "Black President", this is not about a minority in power, and this is not about some political party. This is about a radical socialist racist that has bullied his way into a position of power, one that we need to keep a very close eye on, one that we need to be ready with our phone calls and letters, to our representative’s, we must be ready to deluge them with our feedback at every turn.
Change you say...
No time for a reality check I say...
These are the Facts that we need to be vigilant on you all need to remember and remind that 3% at every turn...
It is time for a history lesson.
The finical mess we are in, the crash on Wall St. is not the Republicans fault in any way shape or form. It was started by Jimmy Carter as a way to make it possible for people that could in no way ever afford to, or be accepted by any loan company, to get a mortgage and buy a home to get that loan. Loans that the industry well knew would be defaulted on. To bully, and force lenders to give out high risk loans under penalty of federal law. Furthered by Bill Clinton and made yet more risky, the Republicans blew the whistle on it hearings were held, and in turn were blown off by the Democrats as “seeing no issue here” and “why are we wasting our time with this”, so the bail out, the cost, the failures, the loss of money all directly attributed to their power, influence, and ignorance in office.
How The U.S. Government Engineered The Current Economic Crisis
Job loss… AKA jobs going out of the country… one word NAFTA!
NAFTA as Ross Perrot said “You do not want it… It will greatly benefit me but you do not want it!” Was passed by a democratically controlled congress, and signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton as his first official act as president of the United States. This one act of congress has done more damage to the worker of the United States than any other in the history of this country. It made it easy for big business to send out jobs overseas, causing the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, billions in lost wages, lost benefits, loss of solidarity in the work environment, the lowering of wages and hence the loss of American buying power. Then to add insult to injury William Jefferson Clinton gave us the free trade agreement with China, and CAFTA, furthering the loss of U.S. jobs. So tell me again just how this was the fault of the Republicans.
Social Security…
Again the hand of the Democrats is apparent as they raided it multiple times over the years for their free money to the non working, and in my opinion mostly non deserving portion of the country. Yet again the Republicans blew the whistle and said foul only to be ignored… blown off multiple times.
Look at the history books more wars have been entered into by Democratic presidents that Republicans.
It all started when President Jimmy Carter allowed a group of American diplomats to be held hostage by a bunch of Muslim radical extremist. Then with the multiple attacks against the U.S. by these Muslim extremist during the Clinton years, and no counter measures, no retribution taken we became the easy prey for these people. Had they acted in kind when attacked, had they acted as a president of the United States should have, had they paid attention to something that was not between their legs and was of world importance… When 9/11 happened and it was up to Bush to try and fix what had been ignored for so many years, is it any wonder this has taken so long? So who’s fault is it really well it’s a duh factor here.
It’s not about cheap labor, again the democrats only see potential democratic voters, while the rest of the nation sees a threat to our finical situation. The added burden and cost to our medical system, the increased crime brought in by these people. Yet again a democrat Jimmy Carter kicked it all off when he open the doors to the Cuban boat people, people that were the rejects, criminals, unskilled, diseased, drug users, the absolute dregs of the Cuba, people that until then we had sent packing back to Fidel Castro.
The liberal media is ooh and awing over their new President elect, they are cooing about his change. Change from a man that has promised to bankrupt the coal industry, refuses to let us drill to help make America energy independent, therefore the return of $4.00 a gallon gasoline, wants to triple the cost of electricity, wants to give out free money to those who have never held a job in their life, wants to create a private sector security force, wants to waste money on energy scams that are very specific as to where and when they will work, wants free health care, (we already have it is called Medicare and Medicaid) will in essence significantly increase our national debt by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Let them have their day it is their due, but remember, remind, call and write, be vigilant and make them remember next election cycle just what folly their stupidity has wrought.
What Does 3% mean, it means that the Democrats have indeed did what they promised, they registered voters that would vote how they were told to. ACORN helped to do was what the British, the Nazi's, and the Japanese could not accomplish they have compromised the security and integrity of this country, Yes now we have change.
No this is not about a "Black President", this is not about a minority in power, and this is not about some political party. This is about a radical socialist racist that has bullied his way into a position of power, one that we need to keep a very close eye on, one that we need to be ready with our phone calls and letters, to our representative’s, we must be ready to deluge them with our feedback at every turn.
Change you say...
No time for a reality check I say...
These are the Facts that we need to be vigilant on you all need to remember and remind that 3% at every turn...
It is time for a history lesson.
The finical mess we are in, the crash on Wall St. is not the Republicans fault in any way shape or form. It was started by Jimmy Carter as a way to make it possible for people that could in no way ever afford to, or be accepted by any loan company, to get a mortgage and buy a home to get that loan. Loans that the industry well knew would be defaulted on. To bully, and force lenders to give out high risk loans under penalty of federal law. Furthered by Bill Clinton and made yet more risky, the Republicans blew the whistle on it hearings were held, and in turn were blown off by the Democrats as “seeing no issue here” and “why are we wasting our time with this”, so the bail out, the cost, the failures, the loss of money all directly attributed to their power, influence, and ignorance in office.
How The U.S. Government Engineered The Current Economic Crisis
Job loss… AKA jobs going out of the country… one word NAFTA!
NAFTA as Ross Perrot said “You do not want it… It will greatly benefit me but you do not want it!” Was passed by a democratically controlled congress, and signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton as his first official act as president of the United States. This one act of congress has done more damage to the worker of the United States than any other in the history of this country. It made it easy for big business to send out jobs overseas, causing the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, billions in lost wages, lost benefits, loss of solidarity in the work environment, the lowering of wages and hence the loss of American buying power. Then to add insult to injury William Jefferson Clinton gave us the free trade agreement with China, and CAFTA, furthering the loss of U.S. jobs. So tell me again just how this was the fault of the Republicans.
Social Security…
Again the hand of the Democrats is apparent as they raided it multiple times over the years for their free money to the non working, and in my opinion mostly non deserving portion of the country. Yet again the Republicans blew the whistle and said foul only to be ignored… blown off multiple times.
Look at the history books more wars have been entered into by Democratic presidents that Republicans.
It all started when President Jimmy Carter allowed a group of American diplomats to be held hostage by a bunch of Muslim radical extremist. Then with the multiple attacks against the U.S. by these Muslim extremist during the Clinton years, and no counter measures, no retribution taken we became the easy prey for these people. Had they acted in kind when attacked, had they acted as a president of the United States should have, had they paid attention to something that was not between their legs and was of world importance… When 9/11 happened and it was up to Bush to try and fix what had been ignored for so many years, is it any wonder this has taken so long? So who’s fault is it really well it’s a duh factor here.
It’s not about cheap labor, again the democrats only see potential democratic voters, while the rest of the nation sees a threat to our finical situation. The added burden and cost to our medical system, the increased crime brought in by these people. Yet again a democrat Jimmy Carter kicked it all off when he open the doors to the Cuban boat people, people that were the rejects, criminals, unskilled, diseased, drug users, the absolute dregs of the Cuba, people that until then we had sent packing back to Fidel Castro.
The liberal media is ooh and awing over their new President elect, they are cooing about his change. Change from a man that has promised to bankrupt the coal industry, refuses to let us drill to help make America energy independent, therefore the return of $4.00 a gallon gasoline, wants to triple the cost of electricity, wants to give out free money to those who have never held a job in their life, wants to create a private sector security force, wants to waste money on energy scams that are very specific as to where and when they will work, wants free health care, (we already have it is called Medicare and Medicaid) will in essence significantly increase our national debt by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Let them have their day it is their due, but remember, remind, call and write, be vigilant and make them remember next election cycle just what folly their stupidity has wrought.
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