A shooting in Montana, CCW Involved


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A shooting in Montana, CCW involved!


Flash report - Glasgow shooting incident‏
From: Gary Marbut-MSSA ([email protected])
Sent: Sun 1/18/09 12:24 PM
To: [email protected]
Confirmed: There was a shooting incident in Glasgow, Montana on
Saturday afternoon. Besides the shooter, one person was killed and
two were injured. Police locked down the community, warned people to
lock doors and stay inside, and followed a blood trail which
eventually led to the deceased shooter.

Unconfirmed but probable: The shooter made his attack at a local
hospital and killed a female Emergency Medical Technician. Scott
Billingsly was present because his wife works at the hospital. Scott
has a Montana concealed weapon permit, was armed, and engaged the
shooter in defense of himself and others. Scott was injured in the
hand and Scott's wife was also injured. The shooter was seriously
injured and was driven off by Scott's armed engagement of the
shooter. The seriously wounded shooter sought shelter, leaving the
blood trail that law enforcement followed, where they found the
shooter dead of a possibly self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The people of Glasgow who know these details are highly thankful that
an armed citizen was present and able to interdict the killer before
he could kill more than the one person murdered, possibly saving the
lives of many other hospital employees.

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
Gun Laws of Montana
Haven't heard that down here in AZ. I wonder if the local media or main stream would even cover that with a 'blurb?'

Kudos to the armed citizen who went full tilt boogie with the BG. I hope he and his wife recover fully from their injuries.
I agree someone should give that guy a medal. In my profession as a paramedic ive found that hospitals are some of the most anti gun establishments in the country. i once heard a nursing supervisor ask a OSI agent to put his weapon in the car as she was rendering care to his accidently shot in the foot coworker. that the hospital was a firearm free facility ( nothing posted at the entrance stating so). He quickly and respectfully informed her he was simply a Federal Agent produced credentials and she left him alone. Victims of domestic violnce and attempted murder are taken to emergency rooms all the time, whos to say that the whacko that did this to them is not going to try to finnish the job at the hospital and take out anyone who stands in his way. My hats off to this guy, who knows how many lives he saved with his actions!!!
That has happened just across the border from here. Some people were shot, and went to the emergency room. The gunmen brazenly walked into the ER and shot them dead. This was only a few months ago.


I agree someone should give that guy a medal. In my profession as a paramedic ive found that hospitals are some of the most anti gun establishments in the country. i once heard a nursing supervisor ask a OSI agent to put his weapon in the car as she was rendering care to his accidently shot in the foot coworker. that the hospital was a firearm free facility ( nothing posted at the entrance stating so). He quickly and respectfully informed her he was simply a Federal Agent produced credentials and she left him alone. Victims of domestic violnce and attempted murder are taken to emergency rooms all the time, whos to say that the whacko that did this to them is not going to try to finnish the job at the hospital and take out anyone who stands in his way. My hats off to this guy, who knows how many lives he saved with his actions!!!
Where are all the forum posters who advocate "hiding, calling 911, and being a good witness"?
What?No comments that the good samaratin has ruined his life and will spend his future paying legal costs and compensation to the family of the BG.
Where are all the forum posters who advocate "hiding, calling 911, and being a good witness"?
What?No comments that the good samaratin has ruined his life and will spend his future paying legal costs and compensation to the family of the BG.
Why do you have your knickers in a knot over a story that is three and a half years old?

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