New member
Many months ago, soon after the birth of, I started a thread where I talked about my support of the 2nd amendment as a liberal. It's still filed in the 2nd amendment forum, under "Left liberal socialist pinkos" I believe.
Anyway, as a result of the feedback I gained, I decided it would be a good idea to create a place for pro-gun liberals to meet and talk, and to create a working relationship with other more conservative forums and pro-gun groups.
I'm happy to announce that I finally have created that forum: Yesterday I went live with Link Removed - A pro-gun forum for the left. I will be interested to see how this develops. I'm sure it will take some months for it to reach a critical mass of regulars to be a thriving forum.
Regardless of the result, I'd like to thank the founder and regular members of this forum for giving me the inspiration to do this. USACarry has shown me how powerful it is when a community comes together around a common goal. Though I'm sure the vast majority of USACarry users will have no interest in this forum, still I appreciate the ethic of cooperation around a common purpose that is evident in the pro-gun community.
If you ever find yourself talking to liberal friends who seem like they might be open to changing their minds about guns, but your arguments don't cut ice or you just don't know how to talk to them - please send them our way. Sometimes it takes a liberal to convince a liberal.
With best regards,
Many months ago, soon after the birth of, I started a thread where I talked about my support of the 2nd amendment as a liberal. It's still filed in the 2nd amendment forum, under "Left liberal socialist pinkos" I believe.
Anyway, as a result of the feedback I gained, I decided it would be a good idea to create a place for pro-gun liberals to meet and talk, and to create a working relationship with other more conservative forums and pro-gun groups.
I'm happy to announce that I finally have created that forum: Yesterday I went live with Link Removed - A pro-gun forum for the left. I will be interested to see how this develops. I'm sure it will take some months for it to reach a critical mass of regulars to be a thriving forum.
Regardless of the result, I'd like to thank the founder and regular members of this forum for giving me the inspiration to do this. USACarry has shown me how powerful it is when a community comes together around a common goal. Though I'm sure the vast majority of USACarry users will have no interest in this forum, still I appreciate the ethic of cooperation around a common purpose that is evident in the pro-gun community.
If you ever find yourself talking to liberal friends who seem like they might be open to changing their minds about guns, but your arguments don't cut ice or you just don't know how to talk to them - please send them our way. Sometimes it takes a liberal to convince a liberal.
With best regards,