A new permiteer


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Got a call from my fiance that something arrived in the mail today from SLED, sure enough the permit has arrived. 78 days from check cashed, 80 days from when they got it to give any other people waiting a guess on how long to possibly expect. Looks like I'll be doing some shopping at walmart tonight.
Got a call from my fiance that something arrived in the mail today from SLED, sure enough the permit has arrived. 78 days from check cashed, 80 days from when they got it to give any other people waiting a guess on how long to possibly expect. Looks like I'll be doing some shopping at walmart tonight.

:tiopatinhas: I just blew by Elgin on I-20. If I had know about it I would have stopped. On second stop I did stop at the rest area and made sure I had my gun with me when I went in. :icon_cheesygrin:

Guess what! H 3212 passed the house today so your permit should be good in several more states now. :icon_santa: Make a copy and send it along with $20 to New Hamshire and you will have just abuot everywhere covered that you can. :icon_cheers:

but I would think you could find a better place to spend your money than Wallmart.... besides that, what exactly do you expect to buy from them that is related to concealed carry?
Congratulations RPinSC. FN1910 is correct. Put $20 in the mail for your NH Non-resident permit. Gives you 30 states plus what ever comes out of H 3212 .

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