This is the new Divided States of America where it's considered worse to judge evil than to do evil, where more than 60 million babies have been slaughtered within the wombs of their mothers and the plethora of sexual perversions including homosexuality, pedophilia, and even bestiality that have been openly embraced flaunted, celebrated, and forced upon society, along with thousands upon thousands of wanton murders, thefts, deceptions, lies, rampant drug abuse, unmitigated narcissism, and the utter and absolute vileness and outright evil that has been flaunted in defiance and contempt in the face of Almighty God and those who belong to Him. I wholeheartedly agree with the Marines letter, however, present day America is not the United States of America which was once a God-fearing and blessed nation that Americans once fought and died for. Sentimentality, not reality, rules the present day. To kneel or not to kneel, to each his own...mox-nix.