I was brought up to believe people earned their way up or down, by the way they chose to live. Righteous up, evil down. God made the rules, people chose their direction.
Maybe the word "earn" was not the best choice of words, but maybe "live" would be better. You can go to church every Sunday and still not live a righteous life, and not be saved.
I am not a Bible "quoter". I have read it several times, but don't go around spouting quotes at others.
What are some things that we can expect from God when we choose to believe and accept His son, Jesus? The Word says, “WE ARE the righteousness of God IN Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. ALL who are "Born Again" are righteous in the sight of God.
I did not say I was righteous. You assumed that. Salvation is an individual thing. No one can get it for you and you cannot get it for anyone else. It is up to you alone.