A Bullet tax in Baltimore?

Some states like Wisconsin have seen the light and have made changes to foster freedoms for law abiding citizens. However, there are states like Maryland that just keep using the same old tactics from the Anti-gunner playbook.

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O my god, that is the most pathetic thing I ever heard. Like the criminals are going to go down to the local gun store and buy their ammo. They'll steal it or get it elsewhere illegally just like they did the gun. And for us law abiding citizens...it would cost more (depending on the ammo) to pay the tax than it would to pay the cost of the ammo. And I thought NY was bad.
So you step out of the city limits to purchase your ammo. Bad guys will never think of that. So much for the Baltimore brain trust.
So its ok to have a small amount of illegal drugs but bullet are bad? The dealer selling crack on the street I am sure will have a hard time coming up with that extra dollor a bullet. The hard working man loses again for the actions of the bad guys that will not be affected.
Ok lets ease up on the drug users but lets hit the law abiding citizen trying to protect himself from the drug user in the wallet. Sounds like a good plan. Noooooooooooooooot
Don't kid you'r self it's not a joke, these people are looking for ways to defeat firearm owners in anyway they can.

Ever hear of a Cities Police policy of a person retrieving there firearm from their Cities Police propriety room, not being able to get the firearm and Ammo. on the same day. Well this is the City of Tulsa,Oklahoma policy.

Just like a Ammo. tax this is just another little way of causing legal firearm owners a little more trouble.
Maryland continues to perplex me

:no:On the surface you would think Maryland would be more open to gun issues. Yet the gun laws are more or the same as DC. Yet the gun related crime and death rate in DC and MD are ranked among the highest almost every year. Which would make one think folks living there and making the laws would try easing the laws on conceal carry for it's citizens to self protect. This guy running for Mayor must be the supreme idiot of all time. Thinking a “bullet tax” is going to have some effect on the crime rate is the most ridiculous idea I’ve heard in a long time.
Lol a tool to fight crime? This guy is a tool! Damn I feel sorry for folks who live up in those states/cities were these dumb politicians live. What a moron!
As Mayor he would have constant police protection, while the local folks have to wait 15-20 minutes. Watch fof loser Obama and his loser crowd to try the same thing.
That video says it all. Take the self-defense tools away form the law abiding, but give the dopers more leeway. Sounds like he should be in Chicago.
An observation from another forum:

MD has a pre-emption law.

This doofus ought to check the law before running his mouth:

Criminal Law - §4–209.
Public Safety - § 5-133.
Public Safety - § 5-134.

Local governments are prohibited from regulating the purchase, sale, taxation, transfer, manufacture, repair, ownership, possession and transportation of handguns, rifles, shotguns and ammunition, with some exceptions.

Localities may regulate the purchase, sale, transfer, ownership, possession and transportation of such firearms and ammunition with respect to minors; law enforcement officials of the local government; and activities in or within 100 yards of "a park, church, school, public building, and other place of public assembly."

(note that taxation is not included in the approved "exceptions")
:no:On the surface you would think Maryland would be more open to gun issues. Yet the gun laws are more or the same as DC. Yet the gun related crime and death rate in DC and MD are ranked among the highest almost every year. Which would make one think folks living there and making the laws would try easing the laws on conceal carry for it's citizens to self protect. This guy running for Mayor must be the supreme idiot of all time. Thinking a “bullet tax” is going to have some effect on the crime rate is the most ridiculous idea I’ve heard in a long time.

Having spent a little time in Maryland, the general thinking is that if all the states had laws like theirs, there wouldn't be a problem. It is VA, MT, ID, and other states like that which are the problem. Guess you got to blame someone else for your problems.

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