3rd-Graders Accused Of Plot To Harm Teacher


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There is something very wrong with our society today and it has nothing to do with guns.

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that's pretty disturbing. when I was a kid I was taught to actually have respect for my elders.... teachers.. parents. parents of friends.. the news gets worse and worse everyday.
It gets harder and harder to teach kids to respect their elders with the world full of media that teaches the exact opposite. We've gone from Leave it to Beaver and the Brady Bunch to the Simpsons and others I don't watch. There are many subtle places kids are taught/shown that adults don't know anything. We recently had to remove Calvin and Hobbes from our son's library as I linked his reading it to a rise in disrespect to his parents, and I have nothing against Calvin and Hobbes from a grown up perspective, it just wasn't suitable reading for my kid. There are even Disney and PBS shows that foster this same attitude. There is just no substitute for good involved parenting. It's a difficult environment to be raising respectful kids in, and mine are by no means perfect, but it's not impossible for kids to learn respect if the parents will put some effort into teaching it. They sure aren't going to learn it from their environment.
It gets harder and harder to teach kids to respect their elders with the world full of media that teaches the exact opposite. We've gone from Leave it to Beaver and the Brady Bunch to the Simpsons and others I don't watch. There are many subtle places kids are taught/shown that adults don't know anything. We recently had to remove Calvin and Hobbes from our son's library as I linked his reading it to a rise in disrespect to his parents, and I have nothing against Calvin and Hobbes from a grown up perspective, it just wasn't suitable reading for my kid. There are even Disney and PBS shows that foster this same attitude. There is just no substitute for good involved parenting. It's a difficult environment to be raising respectful kids in, and mine are by no means perfect, but it's not impossible for kids to learn respect if the parents will put some effort into teaching it. They sure aren't going to learn it from their environment.

You are so right. I grew up with Leave it to Beaver and Andy Griffeth etc. Those shows actually taught morals and consequences to actions. When my children came along they watched the same shows. The garbage that is on T.V. now is appaling.
Agreed. Anyone ever watch South Park? It is ridiculous that they allow that to be aired. My 10 year old half brother and his friends watch that show almost every night.
I like to think that good morals instilled by parents are more powerful than bad television in a child's mind.
It's hard to teach our children to "respect our elders" with some of the stuff our elders have been doing. I'll mention a few names:

Bill Clinton
Eliot Spitzer
Kobe Bryant
Nick Nolte

Mom you are so right. I have three kids all grown now but I have to say not one of them ever gave me any problems. And like you said thay are not perfect but I am very proud of all of them. But from a very early age they were educated to respect. We were involved in their lives with sports and school. Again supervision.
As I have said before, my wife is graduating with an elementary education degree in a few weeks. She has a carry permit. Will she be allowed to protect herself and the others around her. No.
For the record, these kids were in a mentally/emotionally handicapped class. They weren't just regular students. Obviously they had some pretty scary stuff going on to come up with all of that at such an early age though.

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