I am a new reloader.I have a large pile of once fired military 308 brass.I processed 300 yesterday.Tumbled,resized/deprimed,removed military crimp,trimmed,primed,loaded 30 of them with m80's.The rounds would not chamber.I had not adjusted the full length resizing die down far enough.Rather than lose the brass and primers I pulled the bullets and resized the 30 pieces of brass again with the center rod primer/punch pin thing taken out of the die.I loaded them again and went to the range and fired them in my Remington 700 VTR.They worked good with no problems I can see.I fired through a shooting chrony and checked the velocities and all were 2675-2760 Ft/sec @ 10 ft from the muzzel.My question:Is there anything wrong with what I did?I mean I did the full length resizing the second time with the center rod removed from the die.My friend who has been reloading for many years said he'd never heard of doing that and didn't know if it would mess up my head space or something.Anybody here ever done this?If this is not good practice,what are the problems I'm likely to run into.I still have 270 pieces of this brass which needs to be resized a second time to make it able to chamber in my VTR.Experienced reloaders please advise me.I'm using LEE dies and a Rock Chucker Supreme press.Thanks