Recent content by mshean

  1. M

    UTAH + Florida -non resident- Multi State licenses

    I am attempting to give you all an accurate reference or ‘at a glance’ guide of what states will honor the Utah non resident CCW, and what states will honor the Florida non resident CCW, and what states will honor both of them, or just one of them. Now , I have found this to be harder than I...
  2. M

    Boycott 'Constitutionally Disfunctional' States

    Most have heard about Brian Aitken, he was thrown in jail in N.J. for 7 years for something that would not even have registered as a 'blip' on the radar screen in most states. Our U.S. citizenship does not end at the boarder of the states wherein we live, neither does our rights under the...
  3. M

    Ma. Miscarrage of justice
