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How to write an essay. Example

An essay is a prose genre of literature that involves the author's impressions of an occasion or action. This essay is often small. This test paper is used in many disciplines, so every student has come across an essay during their studies. When checking the assignment, the teacher pays attention not only to the content of the essay, but also to its design says write my papers writers.
Design rules
In order to get a high score, you need to take into account all the rules of registration.
Written works, including essays, are written in Times New Roman, 14 point, with an interval of 1.5.
These rules correspond to methodology which you can find at the writemypapers.company/edit-my-paper page and are standard for all educational institutions.
The pages of the work should be numbered. The number is not put on the title page, but it is taken into account when counting. According to the standard, the numbering is put down either at the bottom of the page on the right, or at the bottom of the page in the middle.
Essays may contain headings. They can be highlighted in bold. The heading is printed with a paragraph indent and with a capital letter.
Do not put a dot after the title.
The work may contain tables, charts, drawings, drawings and diagrams. They are inserted into the essay with signatures. Figures and tables must be numbered. The title is placed in the center of the line: the figure is signed at the bottom, and the table at the top.
How to write an essay?
At the beginning of work, it is imperative to draw up a plan recommend https://writemypapers.company/college-paper-writing-services/ experts. Determine the parts of which the work will consist. An essay is a task that implies freedom of thought and creativity, but still has some design rules.
The work consists of a title page, main text and a list of references.
Title page
This is the “face” of the work, which the inspector first of all pays attention to. The title block includes the name of the educational institution, type of work, topic, author, inspector, city and year of completion.
The word "Essay" is located in the center of the page, in large print, in capital letters.
Basic drawing lines

Standards for the design of drawings in accordance with methodology

Selecting a main image for your term paper

Preparation of construction drawings

Essays - types of essays
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