Pocket Holster Recommendations


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I'm new to the Forum and new to the CC world. Currently I am waiting on my permit and hope to have it before Thanksgiving. I plan on carrying a Bersa 380CC and want to carry in my front pocket. I'm looking for the best pocket holster with the best conceal. I've found what looks like a good one by Guru at PocketHolsters.com, Does anybody have any experience with this holster, or any others that anyone would recommend.

Thanks in advance.


I would checkout Milt Sparks Holsters or Mitch Rosen Holsters. Expensive but you get what you pay for!
The Nemesis®

Check these out.
I have several of the Nemesis holsters for small Glocks and NAA. They work well. stay put in the pocket
and don't cost all that much. The Glock G26 works well in cargo pants pocket and doesn't slide around.

Link Removed
I am very happy with my Mika pocket holster. Stays in place, conceals well. Can't beat the price or the service.
I use a Nemisis for both my regular carry LCP and one for my Beretta 21A. I also have one of their back pocket holsters for the LCP, but I don't carry that way much.

Link Removed Good thing about Desantis is that if you don't like it you're only out $15 or so.

I have also heard good things about the nemesis. I bought a bianchi pocket change holster for my bersa 380CC and it worked fine. The bersa is on the outside limit of comfortable pocket carry. It works for larger pockets in cargo shorts/pants, but jeans will most likely be tough to pull off. However the little bersa disappeared when carried IWB.
The best holster I have found for pocket carry is the FIST Kydex holster. I have a #5 Kydex from FIST for my Kahr PM9. It is super lightweight with a unique thumb push for easy removal of the pistol. The web site is FIST, Inc.. Very quick delivery of the hoster once ordered.
I pocket carry about 95% of the time, My most carried gun is a 642. I have a drawer full of pocket holsters but the Nemesis is usually what you find in my right front pocket. If I am in a bathrobe it is an Uncle Mike's carrying th 642. You'll have to try several to see which one works with your style of trousers or jeans.

If you wear jeans a lot, give Wrangler Carpenter Jeans a try. Big pockets and heavy duty stitching make them ideal for pocket carry. I keep hearing that people can't carry in jeans but I do and I wear jeans about 50% of the time.
IIf you wear jeans a lot, give Wrangler Carpenter Jeans a try. Big pockets and heavy duty stitching make them ideal for pocket carry. I keep hearing that people can't carry in jeans but I do and I wear jeans about 50% of the time.

I just got a Nemesis pocket holster for my Taurus M85CH. I was amazed at how HUGE the holster was.

I wear Wrangler carpenter jeans quite a bit: size 32/30, which are a bit loose on me. The Taurus/Nemesis goes in , but it overwhelmsthe pocket. It is just too big to carry that way.

I suppose all you guys who pocket carry snubbies must be wearing much bigger pants than I.

So, enquiring minds want to know: what size pants do you wear?

40/30 in the jeans.

I also have a Taurus 85ULBH. It is somewhat larger than the 642, about halfway between K Frame and J Frame. I can't carry it in the jeans, but the 642 disappears into the front pocket. Amazing as weight of the two guns is about the same. Taurus is a bit "blockier" and the 642 is more elegant in design.

As far as "filling" the pocket, it is going to. The right front pocket is 642 dedicated, I don't plan to carry anything else in there. I usually do wear an out of the pants Wrangler shirt when I wear jeans. In the winter I wear an oversized sweat shirt or bulky sweater over my jeans. Pocket is pretty much hidden by outer garment.
I have carried a Kahr PM40 in a front pocket holster from Link Removed. They are small, well made and form-fit to your pocket quickly.

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