Can you answer this question for me?


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I was talking to a guy at work today about motorcycles and it got me thinking.

If I go out on my bike without any gear on everyone says I have a death wish. That IF I get into an accident I'll wish I had it on. If I go out all geared up, helmet, kevlar, gloves, boots, I'm a responsible rider looking out for my safety. So thinking with that logic how come when we carry people say were paranoid gun nuts? Wouldn't that just make up responsible Americans' looking out for out safety?

Maybe I'll change the answer I give for the "why do you carry" question to:
"What! You go out there without any protection? What IF you get attacked? Do you have a death wish or something??"

Why do anti-gunners dislike guns?

The motivation is fear of course. Everybody feels it, but the difference is in how they apply that emotion. You and I see sociopathic people as the danger, so we carry guns to mitigate the danger, like any safety device. They see the guns themselves as the danger.

Also, if you carry a gun it means that you've seriously considered the possibility of somebody trying to harm you. To a person who's scared stiff, they really don't want to think about that. Being unarmed is make-believe. You act the role of the invulnerable person, living in a safe, crime-free society. Being armed destroys that illusion.

I'm convinced that most people's anti-gun attitudes don't stem from them wanting to take away YOUR guns. They're afraid of themselves having a gun, and you are just another flaw in their illusion of safety. If you can get an anti-gunner to picture themselves with a gun, usually their views will change totally.

There may be a few people who want to be armed while everyone else is unarmed, but I think these are few. Usually only the politicians themselves are that dishonest.

I was talking to a guy at work today about motorcycles and it got me thinking.

If I go out on my bike without any gear on everyone says I have a death wish. That IF I get into an accident I'll wish I had it on. If I go out all geared up, helmet, kevlar, gloves, boots, I'm a responsible rider looking out for my safety. So thinking with that logic how come when we carry people say were paranoid gun nuts? Wouldn't that just make up responsible Americans' looking out for out safety?

Maybe I'll change the answer I give for the "why do you carry" question to:
"What! You go out there without any protection? What IF you get attacked? Do you have a death wish or something??"
I think ishi makes a good point. I think a lot of people are simply afraid of guns. As I have said before if we could have some sort of gun education in the schools I feel it would remove many of these fears. I am sure we could get many volunteers to teach such a class. I know I would jump at the chance. If we can teach sex education in school why not gun education? The idea with sex-ed is to promote safety and teach how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Gun-ed can teach safety and how to prevent unwanted threats to your life.
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When I went to high school (60 -64) we had a rifle range in the basement. We shot 22's. We had our own rifle teams also that competed. But we also had jr ROTC. I was never afraid of guns because of this.
Ishi, I know of sheriffs that want to be the only armed people in there area .Won't sign class 3 permits. Weeding out consertive officers
I ride bikes, have for over 46 yrs. I love it so much that I "assume" the risks involved with riding. I carry a gun, have for years. I love it so much that I ASSUME the risks involved with carring a gun.

I don't think that I am some parranoid gun toting cowboy who feels the need to shoot all the BGs in the area. I carry because I think I am responsible enough to do so. As many of you guys know, it is a tool at our disposal if and when we may need it. Those who choose not to carry probably do not want to assume the risks involved, but then maybe they do, it is a double edge sword isnt it.
Gu safety in schools

I think ishi makes a good point. I think a lot of people are simply afraid of guns. As I have said before if we could have some sort of gun education in the schools I feel it would remove many of these fears. I am sure we could get many volunteers to teach such a class. I know I would jump at the chance. If we can teach sex education in school why not gun education? The idea with sex-ed is to promote safety and teach how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Gun-ed can teach safety and how to prevent unwanted threats to your life.

That would be great but I wouldn't hold my breath on it happening. The public schools are like anything else the the government gets envolved with. All screw up. They will give out birth control pills to minors with out their parents consent but something that is worth while you can forget it.

It comes down to an individuals opinions and fears.I have a friend that won`t carry a handgun because he thinks it dangerous,but loves to parachute and doesn`t give it a second thought when he jumps out of the plane.
Guns and planes

It comes down to an individuals opinions and fears.I have a friend that won`t carry a handgun because he thinks it dangerous,but loves to parachute and doesn`t give it a second thought when he jumps out of the plane.

Go figure>
All good points

All good points!

ishi I never thought about it that way but that makes a lot of sense. To someone that lives in a fairy tale world, were nothing bad will ever happen to them, just fear anything that shatters that world. Being around someone that carries/own a gun makes them realize that something bad could actually happen and they are not ready for such an event. Kinda like jumping in bed and pulling the sheets over your head. If you can not see the big bad monster it'll just go away.

I do agree with the rest of you. If you can get one to the range and fire a gun its amazing how there views change. I had a couple of women I work with that were dead set on guns. I talked them into coming to the range at lunch one day. Sat them down went through the proper handling then into the range. One actually said "your right this is kinda fun!" "This things not as scary once you've shot it." I don't think either is ready to go buy one but they understand proper gun handling and no longer fear the unknown. Oh, they also mentioned how nice and helpful everyone at the range was.
Kimber,that`s half the battle.Getting someone who isn`t quite sure about handguns to the range to actually shoot one.Then they see that it is safe and we aren`t a bunch of two headed monsters looking to kill someone.That`s awesome.Who knows.They may even surprise you one day and ask for your opinion on what a good handgun would be to purchase.One can only hope.Education is the key to sucess and you all ready started theirs.
parranoid gun toting cowboy what wears a kilt. No I still don't agree with the sheriff. I think some upper-lawenforcement believe they can protect us.
What an excellent point, and a great idea.

If we can teach sex education in school why not gun education? The idea with sex-ed is to promote safety and teach how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Gun-ed can teach safety and how to prevent unwanted threats to your life.
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....If we can teach sex education in school why not gun education? The idea with sex-ed is to promote safety and teach how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Gun-ed can teach safety and how to prevent unwanted threats to your life.

The difference is the Powers to be understand that education promotes use and they WANT our young people to engage in sexual activities, but they don't want them to engage in shooting activities.

The difference is the Powers to be understand that education promotes use and they WANT our young people to engage in sexual activities, but they don't want them to engage in shooting activities.


Prepare for a topic swerve... here we go.

It should be abundantly clear by now that teens are going to have wild monkey sex at the first available opportunity. Our species didn't survive this long by having an abstinence instinct; we made the evolutionary grade because we like to have sex. Might as well teach them how to use a condom so they don't get pregnant and spread diseases.

I mean, it's not as if teens had never considered it, and the school is putting strange, alien ideas into their heads.

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