Celebrating Christmas in a politically correct world


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*Twas the night before Christmas*

*When all through our land,*

*Not a Christian was praying*

*Nor taking a stand.*

*Why the PC Police had taken away,*

*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*

*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*

*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*

*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*

* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*

*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*

*Something was changing, something quite odd! *

Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*

*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*

*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*

*In hopes to sell books by Franken &Fonda.*

*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*

* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*

*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*

*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*

*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*

*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*

*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*

*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*

*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*

*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*

*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*

* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*

*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*

*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*

*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*

*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*

*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*


not Happy Holiday !*

Please, all Christians, join together and

wish everyone you meet during the

holidays a


Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!

I always say Merry Christmas..........if someone says happy holidays to me they get a great big Merry Christmas back
Good points HK, although in the PC world, the holiday is not Christmas, but Xmas.

Well, we're not in the PC world here! So it's Merry Christmas (or I'll have to kill you!)! Now drop and give me 50, maggot!
I always say Merry Christmas..........if someone says happy holidays to me they get a great big Merry Christmas back

Honestly, I don't see the harm in saying either, although I must confess that I increasingly have found myself saying Merry Christmas, regardless of whether I am greeted by Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. I guess Bill O'Reilly is rubbing off on me more than I thought.
if someone says happy holidays to me

I like to ask them "which one are you referring to?" It really upsets some of them to actually say Christmas. ...then I respond with " well thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too.... "
The PC wackos act as if you're bringing a curse on them by saying Merry Christmas. Whether I'm a Christian or not, if someone says Merry Christmas to me, I know that they're wishing me well; how can anyone take offense to that?
how can anyone take offense to that?

...same way some can take offense to your/our willingness to defend ourselves. They're after our guns, AND our holidays......


I say Happy Holidays, and PC has absolutely nothing to do with it. So I am not a Christian, I feel no need to apologize to anyone, just because my beliefs are not the same as yours. As far as Xmas, goes, if you do a bit of research, you will find Xmas was in use almost before Christmas. The initial laetter of the Greek for Jesus Christ was X (I don't remember the whole thing now, but you can look it up. Why should I take your trying to shove your beliefs down my throat and expect me to like having you try to indoctrinate me? I do not denigrate your belief in Christianity, I ask the same tolerance for my beliefs.
I say Happy Holidays, and PC has absolutely nothing to do with it. So I am not a Christian, I feel no need to apologize to anyone, just because my beliefs are not the same as yours. As far as Xmas, goes, if you do a bit of research, you will find Xmas was in use almost before Christmas. The initial laetter of the Greek for Jesus Christ was X (I don't remember the whole thing now, but you can look it up. Why should I take your trying to shove your beliefs down my throat and expect me to like having you try to indoctrinate me? I do not denigrate your belief in Christianity, I ask the same tolerance for my beliefs.

Merry Christmas Wuzfuz.
I say Happy Holidays, and PC has absolutely nothing to do with it. So I am not a Christian, I feel no need to apologize to anyone, just because my beliefs are not the same as yours. As far as Xmas, goes, if you do a bit of research, you will find Xmas was in use almost before Christmas. The initial laetter of the Greek for Jesus Christ was X (I don't remember the whole thing now, but you can look it up. Why should I take your trying to shove your beliefs down my throat and expect me to like having you try to indoctrinate me? I do not denigrate your belief in Christianity, I ask the same tolerance for my beliefs.

Merry Christmas.
Sounds kinda like going to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and then proceeding to bitch about how loud the cars are......

In any case.... Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year
I notice in this area a lot of people say Merry Christmas.. which makes me smile.. because no matter if I get a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays, they get a Merry Christmas back!
I say Happy Holidays, and PC has absolutely nothing to do with it. So I am not a Christian, I feel no need to apologize to anyone, just because my beliefs are not the same as yours. As far as Xmas, goes, if you do a bit of research, you will find Xmas was in use almost before Christmas. The initial laetter of the Greek for Jesus Christ was X (I don't remember the whole thing now, but you can look it up. Why should I take your trying to shove your beliefs down my throat and expect me to like having you try to indoctrinate me? I do not denigrate your belief in Christianity, I ask the same tolerance for my beliefs.

Wuzfuz, you do not, I repeat, do NOT have to believe in Christianity or Jesus Christ to celebrate Christmas. The holiday, on December 25th, is called Christmas Day. It is a Christian holiday, yet a lot of non-Christians celebrate it. My sister and her family are Jewish, and they have a Christmas tree, and open presents on the 25th. It is true that the date was chosen to coincide with a pagan holiday to make it popular with converts, but for most of history, the day has been called Christmas, and celebrates the birth of Jesus (although His birth was probably NOT on 12/25). So celebrating Christmas doesn't mean anyone is shoving anything down your throat. You don't even have to celebrate it if you don't want to. But may I ask if you have and decorate a tree, hang stockings, or read "The Night Before Christmas" to your kids? Do you have lights on your house? Do you open presents on Christmas morning? Even Santa Claus says, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

So chill out and stop acting like anyone is trying to convert you or indoctrinate you. If you're an atheist, so be it. If you're a Buddhist, fine. If you believe in Allah...well, let's not go too far here (although even Islam knows of Jesus as a great prophet). The day is, and always will be, Christmas. Us Christians celebrate it, and invite you to join in on the fun, even if you do want to take it secular. What is wrong with saying "Merry Christmas?" It doesn't make you a Christian, but at least you'll be admitting that the name of the day is Christmas. And if you can't do that, then do not object to the "PC" apellation. Because that is what you will be, politically correct. That is, refusing to accept this day the way it is known all over the world.

And have a Merry Christmas, too. I'm sure Santa hasn't forgotten you.:biggrin:
Wuzfuz, you do not, I repeat, do NOT have to believe in Christianity or Jesus Christ to celebrate Christmas. The holiday, on December 25th, is called Christmas Day. It is a Christian holiday, yet a lot of non-Christians celebrate it. My sister and her family are Jewish, and they have a Christmas tree, and open presents on the 25th. It is true that the date was chosen to coincide with a pagan holiday to make it popular with converts, but for most of history, the day has been called Christmas, and celebrates the birth of Jesus (although His birth was probably NOT on 12/25). So celebrating Christmas doesn't mean anyone is shoving anything down your throat. You don't even have to celebrate it if you don't want to. But may I ask if you have and decorate a tree, hang stockings, or read "The Night Before Christmas" to your kids? Do you have lights on your house? Do you open presents on Christmas morning? Even Santa Claus says, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

So chill out and stop acting like anyone is trying to convert you or indoctrinate you. If you're an atheist, so be it. If you're a Buddhist, fine. If you believe in Allah...well, let's not go too far here (although even Islam knows of Jesus as a great prophet). The day is, and always will be, Christmas. Us Christians celebrate it, and invite you to join in on the fun, even if you do want to take it secular. What is wrong with saying "Merry Christmas?" It doesn't make you a Christian, but at least you'll be admitting that the name of the day is Christmas. And if you can't do that, then do not object to the "PC" apellation. Because that is what you will be, politically correct. That is, refusing to accept this day the way it is known all over the world.

And have a Merry Christmas, too. I'm sure Santa hasn't forgotten you.:biggrin:

Very well put.

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