Are You Better Off?


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I read the following article today. It was for me another reminder of one of the worst evils every brought upon America. The Federal Reserve. I only heard on candidate out of the whole field running for president talk about getting rid of it. That is why no matter who we elect nothing will really change.

Punishing The Intelligent

The Federal Reserve couldn’t open the floodgates fast enough to dump (as of April 22) $360 billion to save those New York-based investment banks and financial institutions. The Fed loaned money to investment banks for the first time since the Great Depression — to the tune of $38.1 billion a day during one particular week. At the same time it’s been lowering interest rates, which effectively punishes individuals who are in fact good at saving their money, and those living in retirement whose incomes are based on saved earnings, which now pay out lower interest rates. That’s punishing the smart to save the stupid

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All we need is the guy from TX to write another $360 billion check on his mother-in-laws bank account. That solves everything.
You know,I don't like alot of the things Andrew Jackson did(Indian removal Bill,for one) .But one thig he DID do good was he cleared the national debt.He also hated and distrusted the federal reserve( or the equivilant thereof in the 1800's).
There are some that believe a stand against the International bankers is what cost Grover Cleveland his life. But alas Woodrow Wilson delivered and signed into law the federal reserve act. Nothing short of treason.
kinda lost

I don't know enough about Jackson or Cleveland, or the Federal Reserve for that matter. Please enlighten me.
I don't know enough about Jackson or Cleveland, or the Federal Reserve for that matter. Please enlighten me.

First off the federal reserve is neither federal nor are there an reserves. It is international bankers that have the controle of our money system. One of the best books on the subject is "The Creature From Jekell Island" If you can get the book. In the mean time a good place to start is the following site. - Is Neither Federal Nor A Reserve, It Stole Our Currency In 1913
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There are some that believe a stand against the International bankers is what cost Grover Cleveland his life. But alas Woodrow Wilson delivered and signed into law the federal reserve act. Nothing short of treason.

Yet, liberals consider him to be one of the greatest presidents in American history. Many conservatives, however, when considering this, the Versailles treaty gone awry, and his virulent racism, consider him to be one of the worst presidents in American history. Go figure. He did later win the Nobel Peace Prize; but then too, so did Jimmy Carter, something that should reveal to all of us the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of this (dubious?) distinction.

Maybe Clinton, who was president during the first World Trade Center attack, the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and the Khobar Towers attack (all of which were carried out by al Qaida ) and who did virtually nothing in response to each, will be the next former Democratic president to receive this honor.

Anyway, getting back on subject, this, along with other recent Democratic proposals (ie., Medicare and Social Security as well as future proposals for National Health Care) are pushing this country ever closer to the brink of socialism, and if this doesn't stop soon, Karl Marx's statue will be appearing outside the capitol building.

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