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God Bless Our Troops!!!
I have an issue with a 12 round USP 45 fullsize Magazine. very time I use it the gun has a function failure at round number 5. The slide usually is stuck back far enough that you can clearly see the round. I have 4 magazines for this weapon and this is the only one that this problem ever shows up on. My other promag magazines are absolutely flawless. I have tried several different types and brands of ammo. All my other magazines are good, except this bad actor. What disturbs me most is the fact that this happens with 230gr FMJ ball ammo (winchester white box) and Remington as well. I normally only load 10 Rnds. to prevent the springs from taking a set (military training). I have segregated this magazine from the rest so as not to use it in a carry weapon until I get this resolved. Any assistance you can render will be much appreciated.

Let's see how this turns out!

I hate mag problems. hopefully they'll replace it for you. I've been told in a ccw class to always keep your mags fully charged. are you saying it is a bad thing to fill them to full capacity?
Lessons learned from older warriors

I learned from some of the best (Viet-nam vets). They always advised me to only fill M-16 mags to capacity -2 or 3. The reasoning is that day in and day out the springs take a beating when fully compressed and some older springs will slowly lose the ability to rebound. This is why you replace the recoil springs in pistols every 5k rounds or less.

When the older guys told me as a young airman the stories of magazine failure and what the immediate fix was for preventing this from happening, I perked up and thought you know what it stands to reason. I have had similar things happen with an old Makarov I used to have.

Made sense to me and I have never had a spring fail yet. I tend to leave mags loaded for 60 days at a time between ammo swaps.:boom06:
old wives tale

I hate to say it, but I think the spring set theory is bunk.

While I agree that is good to rotate carry mags, and to not leave mags charged forever, I do not believe that downloading 2 or 3 rounds will change the service life of a spring. Modern metallurgy gives great component life for springs that are used within their design intent.

On the AR riles, it is common to not be able to seat a mag that is fully loaded. I only load 28 into a 30 round magazine so I can seat it when the bolt carrier is forward. When the mags are fully charged, there is not enough room left in the mag body to drop the top round down as it comes to rest on the bolt.

Just my $0.02.

I hate to say it, but I think the spring set theory is bunk.

While I agree that is good to rotate carry mags, and to not leave mags charged forever, I do not believe that downloading 2 or 3 rounds will change the service life of a spring. Modern metallurgy gives great component life for springs that are used within their design intent.

On the AR riles, it is common to not be able to seat a mag that is fully loaded. I only load 28 into a 30 round magazine so I can seat it when the bolt carrier is forward. When the mags are fully charged, there is not enough room left in the mag body to drop the top round down as it comes to rest on the bolt.

Just my $0.02.


I hate to tell you this NY, but i think you are wrong. I have had many people tell me and learned from experience that keeping magazines fully charged can and will result in failure. On the other hand, the AR theory is absolutley true. Despite what "modern metallurgy" can do, keeping pressure on a spring for a long period of time is not smart.

-The Nug-
I Was able to talk to PROMAG

PROMAG listened to the symptoms and took my information to bring the Mag in and take care of it under warranty. Very proffessional! Very Courteous! Good Business ethics!!!!!:a:
Got The New Mag Today!!!

I have an issue with a 12 round USP 45 fullsize Magazine. very time I use it the gun has a function failure at round number 5. The slide usually is stuck back far enough that you can clearly see the round. I have 4 magazines for this weapon and this is the only one that this problem ever shows up on. My other promag magazines are absolutely flawless. I have tried several different types and brands of ammo. All my other magazines are good, except this bad actor. What disturbs me most is the fact that this happens with 230gr FMJ ball ammo (winchester white box) and Remington as well. I normally only load 10 Rnds. to prevent the springs from taking a set (military training). I have segregated this magazine from the rest so as not to use it in a carry weapon until I get this resolved. Any assistance you can render will be much appreciated.

Let's see how this turns out!

Got a brand new mag from Promag today VIA UPS. Great service!!!

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Great Job PROMAG!!!
I have several 9mm pro mags, I use for burning up ammo at the range. They are cheap built and I never carry with them. Just MHO

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