Women Shoots and Kills Intruder

old salt

New member
It's a good thing she could take care of herself, because it took a very long time for police to respond and to find her house.

Link Removed

Brave woman

She truely was a brave lady. This is how a real life shooting , I believe, would take place with the after math and all. She is distraught and has the right feelings for having just shot another human being. But, she did what she had to do. God Bless her and the family of the intruder. You would hope this would be a lesson for other bad guys.
Very powerful audio. She kept her cool and did what she had to do. Unlike a lot of audios out there the dispatcher didn't tell her not to get armed and not to shoot. She reinforced her that she did the right thing. Even though it took about 30 minutes to get someone out to her residence the dispatcher did an outstanding job!
Good thing she was armed. 30 min. is a long time to wait for help. There was an incident years ago in Dallas where a woman called 911 to report someone trying to get into her house. The police were dispatched and 45 min. later arrived to find the woman dead.
She armed herself, she confronted the guy, and he still tried to break in. More proof that criminals don't fear guns, only a determined person standing behind the gun. Sometimes, as in this case, they don't even fear the determined person behind the gun.

From Link Removed, sounds like she was on the phone for 10 minutes with 9-1-1 before she shot the guy. Yet again we see evidence human beings really are averse to the idea of killing another person. We do it if needed to stay alive, but there's no blood lust.

"I shot. I shot,” Jackson tells the dispatcher frantically. "I’m going out front. I hit him. Oh God, help me! I dropped the phone. ... Oh please, dear God, I think I’ve killed him.”

As the reality sinks in, her voice fades to a whisper, "Please, Father in Heaven. Please, Father in Heaven. Oh my God, ma’am. Please.”

And she begins to sob, "I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Kudos to the dispatcher.

The dispatcher on the other end of the line tries to comfort her, telling her there was nothing she could have done — she had to protect herself.
What about the attackers rights? I bet his daddy left home when he was an infant and he grew up in poverty. Maybe his mama didn't buy the right kind of cereal for him when he was growing up. It's all because "the man" was keeping him down and not allowing him to succeed. All his neighbors said he was "a good kid".


What about the attackers rights? I bet his daddy left home when he was an infant and he grew up in poverty. Maybe his mama didn't buy the right kind of cereal for him when he was growing up. It's all because "the man" was keeping him down and not allowing him to succeed. All his neighbors said he was "a good kid".



Very often in a rural setting we find ourselves in this same situation. I am glad she survived and did not become a statistic. The phrase "I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop" applies very regularly in a rural setting,or anywhere else for that matter.

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